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31 Jul 2024
@k900:0upti.meK900 Can you run systemsettings from a terminal, go to that page, and see if there's any errors logged? 19:15:18
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatI can happily select it in the wallpaper settings but they're devoid of...well...settings.19:15:22
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatOne sec19:15:34
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatUh...yeah so one, boy howdy were there errors. Two...running system settings from terminal apparently has the settings show-up.19:16:38
Download image.png
@k900:0upti.meK900OK that sounds weird19:17:02
@k900:0upti.meK900Is this 24.05 or unstable?19:17:06
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomat24.05 unless I did something wacky with the installer19:17:22
@k900:0upti.meK900Maybe try unstable19:17:50
@k900:0upti.meK900 I think this may be the Qt major version mismatch nonsense 19:18:03
@k900:0upti.meK900But we're not backporting that19:18:08
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatQt major version mismatch nonsense?19:18:19
@k900:0upti.meK900This is really more of a comment to the other maintainers in the room19:18:36
@k900:0upti.meK900The solution for you as an end user is to try unstable19:18:43
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatDrat. Okay I'll try that when I get home. I was hoping I could stay on stable and only use unstable packages for things I actually want the latest-and-greatest for.19:19:28
@k900:0upti.meK900Unstable is not "unstable" as in "has bugs"19:19:43
@k900:0upti.meK900It's unstable as in "has no stable API"19:19:47
@k900:0upti.meK900But it's perfectly fine for day to day use19:19:55
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatSo...I'm not basically running the same thing as a rolling release if I switch to unstable?19:20:15
@k900:0upti.meK900You are19:20:22
@k900:0upti.meK900But you are running rolling release verified by hundreds (literally) of integration tests19:20:32
@k900:0upti.meK900And you have the ability to roll in the other direction at any point19:20:55
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatSo...a bit less spooky than Arch one would say? I'm coming from endeavourOS19:21:03
@k900:0upti.meK900 In my experience, NixOS unstable fails a lot less than Arch 19:21:19
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatWell that's reassuring.19:21:33
@patka:envs.net@patka:envs.net And even if it does somehow break you select an older release during boot and don't update for a few days 19:23:04
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatOh right. Still have that safety net then.19:23:49
@gunboat_diplomat:matrix.orggunboat_diplomatThe safety net of being able to rollback to a known-good state was the killer feature that convinced me to try this. Because having a system just not boot and having work that needs to be done is not stress I need in my life again. XD19:25:07

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