
NixOS Matrix Suggestions

282 Members
Actionable suggestions for the Matrix space. Please hold discussion in #matrix-discussion:nixos.org, then bring the suggestion and context here. | https://pad.lassul.us/Nix-Matrix-Suggestions#105 Servers

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24 May 2021
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa Sandro: #matrix-discussion:nixos.org 19:45:56
@sandro:supersandro.deSandroyeah. Should probably learn to move channnels. Normally I just continue where the question started19:48:52
In reply to @grahamc:nixos.org
please hold discussion elsewhere, otherwise it is very difficult to keep up with requests (I think this came off a bit grumpier than I intended. I'm not grumpy about it :) just a periodic reminder)
suggestions here, discussion there
25 May 2021
@rajivr:matrix.orgrajivr joined the room.01:15:08
@rajivr:matrix.orgrajivr Is there a room for home-manager? 01:15:42
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org #home-manager:rycee.net 01:22:12
@rajivr:matrix.orgrajivr Thanks grahamc (he/him) for the pointer! :-) 01:55:42
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaWe'd like to integrate a homeautomation topical channel into the space14:15:05
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * We'd like to integrate a homeautomation topical channel into the space, it currently lives at #nixos-homeautomation:lossy.network 14:15:59
@esac:matrix.orgp10rDo we have/need/want a room for NixOS on small/embedded devices? Like routers, SBCs, NFS etc.14:32:04
@esac:matrix.orgp10rOr is that market served by ARM room?14:32:25
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa sounds like something between #nixos-on-arm:nixos.org and #networking:nixos.org 14:32:36
@esac:matrix.orgp10rAh, networking room is specifically for routers14:35:33
@esac:matrix.orgp10rDunno why I thought it would be full of DC ops14:35:47
@alarsyo:alarsyo.netalarsyo joined the room.16:28:13
@hpfr:matrix.orghpfr joined the room.17:15:41
@infinisil:matrix.orginfinisil joined the room.17:17:06
@robert:funklause.dedotlambda joined the room.17:17:38
@robert:funklause.dedotlambda left the room.17:19:34
@siraben:matrix.orgsiraben joined the room.17:20:13
@claudi:grimm.fyiClaudi joined the room.17:21:41
@claudi:grimm.fyiClaudi left the room.17:24:49
@Valodim:stratum0.orgValodim joined the room.17:29:21
@zopieux:matrix.zopi.euzopieux joined the room.17:39:00
@artturin:matrix.orgartturin joined the room.22:05:51
@mvtva:matrix.orgmvnetbiz changed their display name from mvtva to mvnetbiz.23:25:53
26 May 2021
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr changed their display name from samueldr to ‎.00:46:01
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr changed their display name from ‎ to samueldr‎.00:46:31
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@hexa:lossy.networkhexaNix Teams -> Teams. The nesting gives enough context IMO.04:26:13

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