
NixOS Matrix Suggestions

275 Members
Actionable suggestions for the Matrix space. Please hold discussion in #matrix-discussion:nixos.org, then bring the suggestion and context here. | https://pad.lassul.us/Nix-Matrix-Suggestions#104 Servers

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23 May 2021
@synthetica:matrix.orgSynthetica joined the room.13:29:52
@pinage404:matrix.orgpinage404 joined the room.14:51:03
@kraem:ne.bul.aekraem joined the room.15:12:06
@aaronjanse:matrix.orgaaronjanse joined the room.18:24:57
@maljub01:matrix.orgmaljub01 joined the room.20:08:59
24 May 2021
@l3af:matrix.orgl3af joined the room.01:10:44
@lunik1:lunik.onelunik1 joined the room.08:15:59
@jboy:utwente.ioJohn joined the room.10:12:31
@plabadens:matrix.orgplabadens joined the room.10:17:31
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) joined the room.10:50:50
@jboy:utwente.ioJohn left the room.11:04:26
@domenkozar:matrix.orgDomen Kožar joined the room.11:35:30
@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincox joined the room.11:48:37
@pinage404:matrix.orgpinage404i don't if there is a dedicated Team for that purpose i think this is more a Topic than a Team11:49:07
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434cShould there be a «matrix feature testing like there is no tomorrow, also conduit is welcome» room?11:51:03
@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincox @samueldr would it be possible to get a logo for #nix-lang:nixos.org? I was thinking that maybe the text at the top could be "lang". 11:51:49
@synthetica:matrix.orgSynthetica I was thinking { } 11:52:10
@pinage404:matrix.orgpinage404I'm just a user (not a maintainer nor a developer of NixOS), I feel more confident to talk on a topic channel than on a team channel (I feel like an outsider trying to influence the team)11:52:41
@domenkozar:matrix.orgDomen Kožar
In reply to @grahamc:nixos.org
under Teams or Topics?
It's kind of like both, so I'd say Topics but neither is wrong :)
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgI'll do Topic :)11:58:30
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgit is really cross-cutting11:58:35
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org #docs:nixos.org 11:59:12
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org naming these things is so hard, I really really really hope Matrix finds a way to associate grouping metadata wit the display soon 11:59:34
@pinage404:matrix.orgpinage404in the NixOS space, there is all rooms listed, then groups of rooms containing previously listed rooms, why the rooms are listed twice ?12:03:15
In reply to @pinage404:matrix.org
in the NixOS space, there is all rooms listed, then groups of rooms containing previously listed rooms, why the rooms are listed twice ?
So that you don't have to join every subspace for the rooms to be filterable
In reply to @grahamc:nixos.org
naming these things is so hard, I really really really hope Matrix finds a way to associate grouping metadata wit the display soon

This is a hard problem because a room can be a member of multiple spaces. There has been some talk about a room's "main space" which may help but I think this is way down the road.

For now I generally think name a room based on how you would like it to show up in your room list, so generally a short uniqueish string first, then a suffix with a "group" like Nix or NixOS. Then I like to put some disambiguation in the topic. This seems to be fairly well expected but I assume it isn't universal.

In reply to @dandellion:dodsorf.as
So that you don't have to join every subspace for the rooms to be filterable
i didn't joined the "Nix Teams" yet, but i can filter ; maybe i didn't understand what you mean
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgyeah, but the problem is we don't have a name for our thing that isn't also a specific other thing12:08:22
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@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.orgNix Documentation? nope. Nix*? maybe. Nix / Nixpkgs / NixOS? now you're cooking12:08:46

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