
NixOS Matrix Suggestions

281 Members
Actionable suggestions for the Matrix space. Please hold discussion in #matrix-discussion:nixos.org, then bring the suggestion and context here. | https://pad.lassul.us/Nix-Matrix-Suggestions#105 Servers

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15 Sep 2024
@beat_link:matrix.org@beat_link:matrix.org left the room.22:10:52
@beat_link:matrix.org@beat_link:matrix.org joined the room.22:16:51
16 Sep 2024
@silentlurker:matrix.orgsilentlurker joined the room.19:54:43
17 Sep 2024
@tomherbers:matrix.orgTom (deprecated) joined the room.21:07:13
18 Sep 2024
@nrbray:matrix.orgNigel joined the room.02:44:13
@tfc:matrix.orgtfc joined the room.08:28:04
@tfc:matrix.orgtfc Can we have a new room #habrawo:nixos.org with the title "Hannover/Braunschweig/Wolfsburg NixOS User Group", please? 08:30:02
@beat_link:matrix.org@beat_link:matrix.org left the room.10:56:49
In reply to @tfc:matrix.org
Can we have a new room #habrawo:nixos.org with the title "Hannover/Braunschweig/Wolfsburg NixOS User Group", please?
I am not sure if there is another process to ask for this
@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org joined the room.17:25:31
@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org changed their display name from kwaaaaarzu to kwizu.17:34:42
19 Sep 2024
@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org removed their profile picture.00:59:11
@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org removed their display name kwizu.00:59:15
@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org@kwaaaaarzu:matrix.org left the room.00:59:23
22 May 2021
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org set the history visibility to "world_readable".16:41:51
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org changed the room name to "" from "".16:41:51
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org changed the room topic to "" from "".16:41:51
@server_stats:nordgedanken.devServer Stats Discoverer (traveler bot) joined the room.16:42:08
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellion joined the room.16:42:19
@mvtva:matrix.orgmvnetbiz joined the room.16:42:32
@kalbasit:matrix.orgkalbasit joined the room.16:42:36
@cole-h:matrix.orgcole-h joined the room.16:42:55
@evils.devils:matrix.orgevils joined the room.16:43:08
@i97henka:matrix.orgi97henka joined the room.16:43:09
@bew:matrix.orgbew joined the room.16:43:27
@esac:matrix.orgp10r joined the room.16:43:43
@nbardiuk:matrix.orgnazarii joined the room.16:46:44
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro joined the room.16:47:39
@sumner:sumnerevans.comsumner joined the room.16:48:05

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