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12 Oct 2024
In reply to @k900:0upti.me
We try to normalize it across the ecosystem
good to keep in mind then. Thanks!
13 Oct 2024
@virtu:matrix.imvirtu is there anything special I need to pay attention to if I want to use poetry2nix to create a package that I can import after installing via flake? for some reason, the package is not in the site-packages of the system-wide python env and I can't import it. I have packages = [{ include = "mypkg", from="src" }] in my pyprojects.toml and am using regular mkPoetryApplication. It works in a devShell, but not system-wide when using something likepython311.withPackages(ps: [ps.someNixPkgsPackage myflake.packages.${system}.default ])` 16:03:13
@virtu:matrix.imvirtu * is there anything special I need to pay attention to if I want to use poetry2nix to create a package that I can import after installing via flake? for some reason, the package is not in the site-packages of the system-wide python env and I can't import it. I have packages = [{ include = "mypkg", from="src" }] in my pyprojects.toml and am using regular mkPoetryApplication. It works in a devShell, but not system-wide when using something likepython311.withPackages(ps: \[ps.someNixPkgsPackage myflake.packages.${system}.default \])\ 16:04:13
15 Oct 2024
@nate5824:matrix.orgnate5824 joined the room.21:33:26

Hello, I'm trying to use P2N to get a development environment for Langchain https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain.

I have a simple env:

myenv = { poetry2nix, lib }: poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
          projectDir = self;
          preferWheels = true;

and I get this error:

       error: attribute 'override' missing
       at /nix/store/x946wzivanqfxs1dpyai49wfwmj1mimy-source/overrides/default.nix:3851:20:
         3850|       # the complexity manageable for now.
         3851|       tokenizers = prev.tokenizers.override {
             |                    ^
         3852|         preferWheel = true;
@nate5824:matrix.orgnate5824 *

Hello, I'm trying to use P2N to get a development environment for Langchain https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain.

I have a simple env as a flake.nix in the root of the Langchain repo (using that pyproject/poetry.toml):

myenv = { poetry2nix, lib }: poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
          projectDir = self;
          preferWheels = true;

and I get this error:

       error: attribute 'override' missing
       at /nix/store/x946wzivanqfxs1dpyai49wfwmj1mimy-source/overrides/default.nix:3851:20:
         3850|       # the complexity manageable for now.
         3851|       tokenizers = prev.tokenizers.override {
             |                    ^
         3852|         preferWheel = true;
@nate5824:matrix.orgnate5824 I only added preferWheels = true for maturin but supposedly there's already an override for that in p2n? 21:59:19
@nate5824:matrix.orgnate5824 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'maturin' 22:05:41
16 Oct 2024
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem joined the room.02:30:30
In reply to @nate5824:matrix.org

Hello, I'm trying to use P2N to get a development environment for Langchain https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain.

I have a simple env as a flake.nix in the root of the Langchain repo (using that pyproject/poetry.toml):

myenv = { poetry2nix, lib }: poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
          projectDir = self;
          preferWheels = true;

and I get this error:

       error: attribute 'override' missing
       at /nix/store/x946wzivanqfxs1dpyai49wfwmj1mimy-source/overrides/default.nix:3851:20:
         3850|       # the complexity manageable for now.
         3851|       tokenizers = prev.tokenizers.override {
             |                    ^
         3852|         preferWheel = true;

Weird, override exists for it on unstable and nixos-24.05

nix-repl> python3Packages.tokenizers.override
{ __functionArgs = { ... }; __functor = «lambda @ /home/artturin/nixpkgs/lib/trivial.nix:895:19»; }

maybe offtopic but I have the same error with override with home-manager with https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/pull/5930 when I do nix build .#test-espanso-basic-configuration

       error: attribute 'override' missing

       at /nix/store/60sn02zhawl3kwn0r515zff3h6hg6ydz-source/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:4867:21:

         4866|   };
         4867|   espanso-wayland = espanso.override {
             |                     ^
         4868|     x11Support = false;
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem *

maybe offtopic and/or unrelated but I have the same error with override with home-manager with https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/pull/5930 when I do nix build .#test-espanso-basic-configuration

       error: attribute 'override' missing

       at /nix/store/60sn02zhawl3kwn0r515zff3h6hg6ydz-source/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:4867:21:

         4866|   };
         4867|   espanso-wayland = espanso.override {
             |                     ^
         4868|     x11Support = false;
@phanirithvij:matrix.orgloudgolem *

maybe offtopic and/or unrelated but I have the same error with override with home-manager with https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/pull/5930 when I do nix build .#test-espanso-basic-configuration

       error: attribute 'override' missing

       at /nix/store/60sn02zhawl3kwn0r515zff3h6hg6ydz-source/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:4867:21:

         4866|   };
         4867|   espanso-wayland = espanso.override {
             |                     ^
         4868|     x11Support = false;
In reply to @artturin:matrix.org

Weird, override exists for it on unstable and nixos-24.05

nix-repl> python3Packages.tokenizers.override
{ __functionArgs = { ... }; __functor = «lambda @ /home/artturin/nixpkgs/lib/trivial.nix:895:19»; }
Oh yeah poetry2nix doesn't use those
@artturin:matrix.orgArtturinI think04:33:55
@artturin:matrix.orgArtturinI wonder if this works https://github.com/nix-community/poetry2nix/blob/8a18db56dd62edd26458a87e4d335b7df84c3f3f/overrides/default.nix#L88404:34:09
@artturin:matrix.orgArtturin Maybe missing a lib.makeOverridable call somewhere 04:34:34
In reply to @phanirithvij:matrix.org

maybe offtopic and/or unrelated but I have the same error with override with home-manager with https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/pull/5930 when I do nix build .#test-espanso-basic-configuration

       error: attribute 'override' missing

       at /nix/store/60sn02zhawl3kwn0r515zff3h6hg6ydz-source/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix:4867:21:

         4866|   };
         4867|   espanso-wayland = espanso.override {
             |                     ^
         4868|     x11Support = false;

Not using callPackage (which applies makeOverridable) or makeOverridable will cause override to be missing

callPackage is used so neither of those are the problem https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/6e918e75e8bed152f24787aaad718649dc1963fe/pkgs/top-level/all-packages.nix#L4858

@artturin:matrix.orgArtturinWrong room anyways, I looked and couldn't see the problem.04:54:07
@akshaykarle:matrix.orgakshaykarle joined the room.09:56:30
18 Oct 2024
@kritnich:kritni.ch@kritnich:kritni.ch left the room.11:01:03
19 Oct 2024
@opacity=0:matrix.orgopacity=0 joined the room.15:07:29
20 Oct 2024

Hello! I'm trying to package a python app into a docker image with poetry2nix and then streamLayeredImage. I'm struggling to get my own code into the result. My code is organised like:

+ my_project
|- + ofd_runner
|   | ...
| pyproject.toml
| poetry.lock
| flake.nix

In flake.nix I do:

myEnv = pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
  projectDir = ./.;
  preferWheels = true;
dockerImage = pkgs.docker.streamLayeredImage {
          name = "ofd_user_code";
          tag = "latest";
          contents = [
          config = {
            Cmd = [
            Env = [
            WorkingDir = "${myEnv}/lib/python3.11/site-packages";

In pyproject.toml, I have a set of dependencies which end up in my docker image, I can do import polars in the python in that docker image, but import ofd_runner won't work. Why is that? How do I get my own code in ofd_runner to land in my image?

In reply to @laurents:fsfe.org

Hello! I'm trying to package a python app into a docker image with poetry2nix and then streamLayeredImage. I'm struggling to get my own code into the result. My code is organised like:

+ my_project
|- + ofd_runner
|   | ...
| pyproject.toml
| poetry.lock
| flake.nix

In flake.nix I do:

myEnv = pkgs.poetry2nix.mkPoetryEnv {
  projectDir = ./.;
  preferWheels = true;
dockerImage = pkgs.docker.streamLayeredImage {
          name = "ofd_user_code";
          tag = "latest";
          contents = [
          config = {
            Cmd = [
            Env = [
            WorkingDir = "${myEnv}/lib/python3.11/site-packages";

In pyproject.toml, I have a set of dependencies which end up in my docker image, I can do import polars in the python in that docker image, but import ofd_runner won't work. Why is that? How do I get my own code in ofd_runner to land in my image?

apparently I had to use mkPoetryApplication and then use .dependencyEnv to get my code in there.
21 Oct 2024
@adrblo:matrix.orgadrblo joined the room.14:36:10
@opacity=0:matrix.orgopacity=0 Hi, I am trying to package a python package using poetry2nix. Unfortunately i need to override both the buildInputs and one of the dependencies. I am following the relevant edge cases documentation, however I am stuck with the error error: value is a set while a list was expected.
I presume this is because defaultPoetryOverrides.extend and overrides.withDefaults do not work together. Has anyone encountered this issue before?

This is the corresponding flake:

  description = "SMURFS";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    poetry2nix.url = "github:nix-community/poetry2nix";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, poetry2nix }:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};smurfs =
          inherit (poetry2nix.lib.mkPoetry2Nix { inherit pkgs; }) defaultPoetryOverrides overrides mkPoetryApplication;

          pypkgs-build-requirements = {
            lightkurve = [ "setuptools" ];
            fbpca = [ "setuptools" ];
            memoization = [ "setuptools" ];

          p2n-overrides = defaultPoetryOverrides.extend
            (final: prev:
                (package: build-requirements:
                  (builtins.getAttr package prev).overridePythonAttrs (old: {
                    buildInputs = (old.buildInputs or [ ]) ++
                          if builtins.isString pkg
                          then builtins.getAttr pkg prev
                          else pkg)

          lightkurve-override = final: prev: {
            lightkurve = prev.lightkurve.overridePythonAttrs
              (old: rec {
                version = "2.5.0";
                src = prev.pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
                  owner = "Alpha-Ursae-Minoris";
                  repo = "lightkurve";
                  rev = "1ec6609da1bd980883593ac1a6354639310f773c";
                  hash = "sha256-6/2CiQ1DMTIX4XV+WkeyI6uBKe032VZ4kHU3FSHhie8=";

          combined-overrides = p2n-overrides ++ lightkurve-override;
            projectDir = ./.;
            overrides = overrides.withDefaults combined-overrides;
            #preferWheels = true;
      apps.${system}.default = {
        type = "app";
        # Replace <script> with the name in the [tool.poetry.scripts] section of your pyproject.toml
        program = "${smurfs}/bin/<smurfs>";
@opacity=0:matrix.orgopacity=0 *

This is the corresponding flake:

  description = "SMURFS";

  inputs = {
    nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    poetry2nix.url = "github:nix-community/poetry2nix";

  outputs = { self, nixpkgs, poetry2nix }:
      system = "x86_64-linux";
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
      smurfs =
          inherit (poetry2nix.lib.mkPoetry2Nix { inherit pkgs; }) defaultPoetryOverrides overrides mkPoetryApplication;

          pypkgs-build-requirements = {
            lightkurve = [ "setuptools" ];
            fbpca = [ "setuptools" ];
            memoization = [ "setuptools" ];

          p2n-overrides = defaultPoetryOverrides.extend
            (final: prev:
                (package: build-requirements:
                  (builtins.getAttr package prev).overridePythonAttrs (old: {
                    buildInputs = (old.buildInputs or [ ]) ++
                          if builtins.isString pkg
                          then builtins.getAttr pkg prev
                          else pkg)

          lightkurve-override = final: prev: {
            lightkurve = prev.lightkurve.overridePythonAttrs
              (old: rec {
                version = "2.5.0";
                src = prev.pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
                  owner = "Alpha-Ursae-Minoris";
                  repo = "lightkurve";
                  rev = "1ec6609da1bd980883593ac1a6354639310f773c";
                  hash = "sha256-6/2CiQ1DMTIX4XV+WkeyI6uBKe032VZ4kHU3FSHhie8=";

          combined-overrides = p2n-overrides ++ lightkurve-override;
            projectDir = ./.;
            overrides = overrides.withDefaults combined-overrides;
            #preferWheels = true;
      apps.${system}.default = {
        type = "app";
        # Replace <script> with the name in the [tool.poetry.scripts] section of your pyproject.toml
        program = "${smurfs}/bin/<smurfs>";
@ersei:ersei.net@ersei:ersei.net left the room.14:53:00
@adrblo:matrix.orgadrblo set a profile picture.15:08:59

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