

70 Members
nixos.at - Nix(OS) meetups in Graz, Vienna and elsewhere in Austria; in German and English.22 Servers

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30 Aug 2024
@an.sa:matrix.organ.sa joined the room.15:27:19
15 Sep 2024
@verlannow:matrix.org@verlannow:matrix.org left the room.06:37:22
16 Sep 2024
@silentlurker:matrix.orgsilentlurker joined the room.20:03:11
1 Oct 2024
@-_o:matrix.org-_o joined the room.21:04:37
6 Oct 2024
@sera:karayan.xyzSerafine Karayan joined the room.16:47:41
17 Oct 2024
@bendlas:matrix.orgbendlas changed their profile picture.17:39:08

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