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nixos.at - Nix(OS) meetups in Graz, Vienna and elsewhere in Austria; in German and English.22 Servers

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10 Mar 2024
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom joined the room.16:09:04
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom set a profile picture.23:37:28
11 Mar 2024
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom changed their profile picture.08:23:19
12 Mar 2024
@phaer:matrix.orgphaer@room It's been a while; So here's a poll to find a date for another in-person meetup in Vienna: https://dud-poll.inf.tu-dresden.de/_m7QaE90xQ/ I did propose Tuesdays and Fridays evenings only because that would work well for me and I want to avoid having too many options in the poll. Feel free to ping me here if you'd like to join but can't make it on any of those days. 09:25:06
@phaer:matrix.orgphaerI can book Metalab if it's still free, once we got a few responses. If not, we could just fallback to Käutzchen or so once again. Happy to organize/prepare some input if we reach at least 6 responses in the poll, otherwise I'd just keep it casual :)09:27:41
@d3routr:tchncs.ded3routr phaer: Thanks for organizing. I think I accidently overwrote the other Chris' poll by adding myself as Chris, sorry! 10:57:09
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomI still had the website open and restored the other Chris choices for you11:24:09
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomHe is called Chris 2 now 🙂11:24:23
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomI saved a screenshot of the state prior to the accident.11:25:20
@d3routr:tchncs.ded3routr Shalok Shalom:Thx 🙌 12:51:07
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomsure13:18:28
@bendlas:matrix.orgbendlasJust added the 6th response :-)13:22:11
@phaer:matrix.orgphaerSo that means we/I need to prepare some input? 😅15:50:47
@phaer:matrix.orgphaerI could talk a bit about python packaging in nixpkgs and do a Q & A around that?15:51:14
@phaer:matrix.orgphaerOr alternatively i.e. nixos-anywhere & disko with a few demos?15:51:36
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomnixos-anywhere & disko sounds good17:47:07
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomI am also interested in creating a live ISO17:47:19
@d3routr:tchncs.ded3routrI would be interested in Impermanence in conjunction with disko 19:57:26
In reply to @d3routr:tchncs.de
I would be interested in Impermanence in conjunction with disko
I run LUKS+btrfs+impermanence. Maybe I could share info on that.
13 Mar 2024
@phaer:matrix.orgphaer Krezzlu: Great, thanks! Are you thinking about a demo? And are you using disko to set this up on new hosts, a custom scripts or something else entirely? 10:04:36
In reply to @krezzlu:matrix.org
I run LUKS+btrfs+impermanence. Maybe I could share info on that.
Nice, definitly interested! I'm also fiddling around with btrfs and impermanence and want to implement LUKS.
In reply to @phaer:matrix.org
Krezzlu: Great, thanks! Are you thinking about a demo? And are you using disko to set this up on new hosts, a custom scripts or something else entirely?
Yes. I am using disko. I could prepare a VM as a demo.
14 Mar 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.18:44:23
17 Mar 2024
@grahamc:nixos.org@grahamc:nixos.org joined the room.18:51:40
19 Mar 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.00:29:50
21 Mar 2024
@phaer:matrix.orgphaer@room So it's fixed: Tue, April 9th 18h in the Metalab Library. (https://metalab.at/calendar/event/7350/) 08:21:23
@phaer:matrix.orgphaerPerfect thanks. My idea is to just chat in the beginning, then do a round of introductions or so, followed by ~20-40 min of input and open discussion on the inputs topic or anything else in different groups. Do you want to say a few words about nixos-anywhere & disko, i.e. use-cases and features in the beginning, or "just" do the demo? If the latter, I could do the former. We'd also need a short description in English and/or German for https://codeberg.org/nixos-user-group-austria/website :) 08:27:39
In reply to @phaer:matrix.org
Perfect thanks. My idea is to just chat in the beginning, then do a round of introductions or so, followed by ~20-40 min of input and open discussion on the inputs topic or anything else in different groups.
Do you want to say a few words about nixos-anywhere & disko, i.e. use-cases and features in the beginning, or "just" do the demo? If the latter, I could do the former.
We'd also need a short description in English and/or German for https://codeberg.org/nixos-user-group-austria/website :)
^ This was meant as a reply to your last message, Krezzlu
In reply to @phaer:matrix.org
Perfect thanks. My idea is to just chat in the beginning, then do a round of introductions or so, followed by ~20-40 min of input and open discussion on the inputs topic or anything else in different groups.
Do you want to say a few words about nixos-anywhere & disko, i.e. use-cases and features in the beginning, or "just" do the demo? If the latter, I could do the former.
We'd also need a short description in English and/or German for https://codeberg.org/nixos-user-group-austria/website :)
* ^ This was meant to be a reply to your last message, Krezzlu
@krezzlu:matrix.orgKrezzluI think it would be better for you to talk about nixos-anywhere and disko, since you know way more about that than me. I would mainly talk about impermanence: What it is Why you would want such a setup How to achieve that Show it off in a VM Give pointers to further resources If that is okay.11:01:42

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