

70 Members
nixos.at - Nix(OS) meetups in Graz, Vienna and elsewhere in Austria; in German and English.22 Servers

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25 Dec 2023
@xro:matrix.tittelbach.atxro changed their display name from xro2 to xro.19:55:32
26 Dec 2023
@domih:matrix.orgdomih changed their profile picture.11:03:55
27 Dec 2023
@jstsmthrgk:devlol.orgjstsmthrgk changed their display name from jstsmthrgk to jstsmthrgk [DECT 5651].09:26:09
1 Jan 2024
@ruru4143:gemeinsam.jetztruru4143 changed their display name from ruru[📞:4143] to ruru4143.00:47:46
2 Jan 2024
@jstsmthrgk:devlol.orgjstsmthrgk changed their display name from jstsmthrgk [DECT 5651] to jstsmthrgk.11:40:28
7 Jan 2024
@rasmus:rend.alRasmus changed their profile picture.16:35:11
22 Jan 2024
@rettetdemdativ:tchncs.derettetdemdativ joined the room.13:18:42
5 Feb 2024
@mschwaig:matrix.orgMartin Schwaighofer joined the room.18:49:26
@ruru4143:gemeinsam.jetztruru4143 changed their display name from ruru4143 to ruru4143 [chaos.jetzt, realraum/graz].22:00:42
6 Feb 2024
@ruru4143:gemeinsam.jetztruru4143 changed their display name from ruru4143 [chaos.jetzt, realraum/graz] to ruru4143.10:14:13
@bbenno:matrix.orgbbenno joined the room.10:58:42
14 Feb 2024
@mschwaig:matrix.orgMartin Schwaighofer changed their display name from Martin Schwaighofer@FOSDEM to Martin Schwaighofer.12:28:44
18 Feb 2024
@flandweber:envs.netFinn Landweber joined the room.08:40:12
28 Feb 2024
@knedlsepp:matrix.orgknedlseppIn case you might have missed it: some new crypto-thingy chose to hand out free coins to the committers of the 5000 most active GitHub repos, which of course includes nixpkgs. It's not a Lercherlschas and might pay for a couple of your Leberkassemmerl, so I thought I'd share and ask if anyone already claimed it. 🤷 https://discourse.nixos.org/t/starknet-cryptocurrency-contributions/40268/2707:46:00
@domih:matrix.orgdomihCryptospam in cryproslang. This is an advanced fisching attack 😅07:59:31
@knedlsepp:matrix.orgknedlseppI did do this yesterday evening in a VM as others describe in that thread so that there is no private ssh keys to phish. I didn't have to enter any personal information or password anywhere except "proof" my GitHub identity via a GitHub OAuth request for my public information. So I don't think there was any way to phish anything from me.08:19:28
Download image.png
In reply to @knedlsepp:matrix.org
In case you might have missed it: some new crypto-thingy chose to hand out free coins to the committers of the 5000 most active GitHub repos, which of course includes nixpkgs.
It's not a Lercherlschas and might pay for a couple of your Leberkassemmerl, so I thought I'd share and ask if anyone already claimed it. 🤷
What does this picture say?
In reply to @rasmus:rend.al
What does this picture say?
29 Feb 2024
@knedlsepp:matrix.orgknedlseppBased on the low number of reactions I guess I'm the only one that has done it and I should probably show this in person at the next Vienna meetup to proof that I'm neither a bot nor have gone crazy. 😄09:58:07
In reply to @knedlsepp:matrix.org
Based on the low number of reactions I guess I'm the only one that has done it and I should probably show this in person at the next Vienna meetup to proof that I'm neither a bot nor have gone crazy. 😄

This channel hasn't been very active recently, not even regarding stuff that is on-topic.

So please do not interpret a lack of reactions as a request for even more crypto spam at offline meetups. The discourse thread offers enough info for curious people IMO. :)

@phaer:matrix.orgphaerI am convinced you are not a bot, and I know that quite a few people were able to cash out into "real money" here. But that's just as true for most ponzi schemes in their early stages ;)10:24:34
1 Mar 2024
@rettetdemdativ:tchncs.derettetdemdativ changed their profile picture.12:49:23
7 Mar 2024
@jan4843:matrix.orgjan4843 joined the room.17:18:21
10 Mar 2024
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom joined the room.16:09:04
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom set a profile picture.23:37:28
11 Mar 2024
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom changed their profile picture.08:23:19
12 Mar 2024
@phaer:matrix.orgphaer@room It's been a while; So here's a poll to find a date for another in-person meetup in Vienna: https://dud-poll.inf.tu-dresden.de/_m7QaE90xQ/ I did propose Tuesdays and Fridays evenings only because that would work well for me and I want to avoid having too many options in the poll. Feel free to ping me here if you'd like to join but can't make it on any of those days. 09:25:06
@phaer:matrix.orgphaerI can book Metalab if it's still free, once we got a few responses. If not, we could just fallback to Käutzchen or so once again. Happy to organize/prepare some input if we reach at least 6 responses in the poll, otherwise I'd just keep it casual :)09:27:41
@d3routr:tchncs.ded3routr phaer: Thanks for organizing. I think I accidently overwrote the other Chris' poll by adding myself as Chris, sorry! 10:57:09

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