

70 Members
nixos.at - Nix(OS) meetups in Graz, Vienna and elsewhere in Austria; in German and English.22 Servers

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18 Nov 2023
@admin:nixos.org@admin:nixos.org changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".13:41:46
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot joined the room.13:43:49
@phaer:matrix.orgphaerPerfekt, thanks! :)13:44:01
@admin:nixos.org@admin:nixos.orgchanged room power levels.13:44:03
@admin:nixos.org@admin:nixos.orgchanged room power levels.13:44:25
@phaer:matrix.orgphaerchanged room power levels.13:44:29

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