29 Feb 2024 |
phaer | In reply to @knedlsepp:matrix.org Based on the low number of reactions I guess I'm the only one that has done it and I should probably show this in person at the next Vienna meetup to proof that I'm neither a bot nor have gone crazy. ๐ This channel hasn't been very active recently, not even regarding stuff that is on-topic.
So please do not interpret a lack of reactions as a request for even more crypto spam at offline meetups. The discourse thread offers enough info for curious people IMO. :)
| 10:22:06 |
phaer | I am convinced you are not a bot, and I know that quite a few people were able to cash out into "real money" here. But that's just as true for most ponzi schemes in their early stages ;) | 10:24:34 |
1 Mar 2024 |
| rettetdemdativ changed their profile picture. | 12:49:23 |
7 Mar 2024 |
| jan4843 joined the room. | 17:18:21 |
10 Mar 2024 |
| Shalok Shalom joined the room. | 16:09:04 |
| Shalok Shalom set a profile picture. | 23:37:28 |
11 Mar 2024 |
| Shalok Shalom changed their profile picture. | 08:23:19 |
12 Mar 2024 |
phaer | @room It's been a while; So here's a poll to find a date for another in-person meetup in Vienna:
I did propose Tuesdays and Fridays evenings only because that would work well for me and I want to avoid having too many options in the poll. Feel free to ping me here if you'd like to join but can't make it on any of those days.
| 09:25:06 |
phaer | I can book Metalab if it's still free, once we got a few responses. If not, we could just fallback to Kรคutzchen or so once again.
Happy to organize/prepare some input if we reach at least 6 responses in the poll, otherwise I'd just keep it casual :) | 09:27:41 |
d3routr | phaer: Thanks for organizing. I think I accidently overwrote the other Chris' poll by adding myself as Chris, sorry! | 10:57:09 |
Shalok Shalom | I still had the website open and restored the other Chris choices for you | 11:24:09 |
Shalok Shalom | He is called Chris 2 now ๐ | 11:24:23 |
Shalok Shalom | I saved a screenshot of the state prior to the accident. | 11:25:20 |
d3routr | Shalok Shalom:Thx ๐ | 12:51:07 |
Shalok Shalom | sure | 13:18:28 |
bendlas | Just added the 6th response :-) | 13:22:11 |
phaer | So that means we/I need to prepare some input? ๐
| 15:50:47 |
phaer | I could talk a bit about python packaging in nixpkgs and do a Q & A around that? | 15:51:14 |
phaer | Or alternatively i.e. nixos-anywhere & disko with a few demos? | 15:51:36 |
Shalok Shalom | nixos-anywhere & disko sounds good | 17:47:07 |
Shalok Shalom | I am also interested in creating a live ISO | 17:47:19 |
d3routr | I would be interested in Impermanence in conjunction with disko | 19:57:26 |
Krezzlu | In reply to @d3routr:tchncs.de I would be interested in Impermanence in conjunction with disko I run LUKS+btrfs+impermanence. Maybe I could share info on that. | 21:18:47 |
13 Mar 2024 |
phaer | Krezzlu: Great, thanks! Are you thinking about a demo? And are you using disko to set this up on new hosts, a custom scripts or something else entirely? | 10:04:36 |
d3routr | In reply to @krezzlu:matrix.org I run LUKS+btrfs+impermanence. Maybe I could share info on that. Nice, definitly interested! I'm also fiddling around with btrfs and impermanence and want to implement LUKS. | 10:46:39 |
Krezzlu | In reply to @phaer:matrix.org Krezzlu: Great, thanks! Are you thinking about a demo? And are you using disko to set this up on new hosts, a custom scripts or something else entirely? Yes. I am using disko. I could prepare a VM as a demo. | 11:52:27 |
14 Mar 2024 |
| NixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels. | 18:44:23 |
17 Mar 2024 |
| @grahamc:nixos.org joined the room. | 18:51:40 |
19 Mar 2024 |
| NixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels. | 00:29:50 |
21 Mar 2024 |
phaer | @room So it's fixed: Tue, April 9th 18h in the Metalab Library. (https://metalab.at/calendar/event/7350/)
| 08:21:23 |