23 Mar 2024 |
jakuzureno | the date has 2023 btw | 11:18:41 |
jakuzureno | * the date says 2023 btw | 11:18:53 |
mgorfer | Are there any Meetups in Graz on the Horizon? :)
Not sure if I can make it to the April One in Vienna. | 17:12:25 |
phaer | Fixed, thanks | 17:22:23 |
24 Mar 2024 |
Shalok Shalom | In reply to @krezzlu:matrix.org
I think it would be better for you to talk about nixos-anywhere and disko, since you know way more about that than me.
I would mainly talk about impermanence: What it is Why you would want such a setup How to achieve that Show it off in a VM Give pointers to further resources
If that is okay? That one is also usable on a non-NixOS distro with home-manager, correct? | 21:00:21 |
25 Mar 2024 |
phaer | In reply to @mgorfer:gemeinsam.jetzt Are there any Meetups in Graz on the Horizon? :) Not sure if I can make it to the April One in Vienna. I don't think there's anything planned yet. totoroot was planning one in autumn iirc, but life happens. :) | 09:26:32 |
phaer | In reply to @shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.org That one is also usable on a non-NixOS distro with home-manager, correct? "That one" refers to https://github.com/nix-community/impermanence ? The home-manager parts probably yes, but I believe that would only be useful if one has /home on a tmpfs or so. | 09:28:37 |
| ibizaman joined the room. | 15:36:12 |
27 Mar 2024 |
| ---m--- joined the room. | 11:49:13 |
Shalok Shalom | In reply to @phaer:matrix.org "That one" refers to https://github.com/nix-community/impermanence ? The home-manager parts probably yes, but I believe that would only be useful if one has /home on a tmpfs or so. I would like to use it for the core system itself, does it work for that? | 13:59:27 |
Shalok Shalom | To kinda fake an immutable distro | 13:59:43 |
phaer | In reply to @shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.org I would like to use it for the core system itself, does it work for that? Not sure what you mean by "core system", but https://matrix.to/#/#impermanence:nixos.org might be able to help :) | 15:12:05 |
28 Mar 2024 |
| EJ joined the room. | 08:44:43 |
6 Apr 2024 |
| oli_550 | OE6FAX joined the room. | 09:51:30 |
| Tanja joined the room. | 09:51:41 |
| Patrizio joined the room. | 09:52:42 |
Patrizio | Hi everyone. I was just listening to Matthias' talk at Linuxtage Graz ๐ | 09:54:44 |
Patrizio | totoroot: ๐ | 09:55:45 |
@publicvoit:matrix.org | In reply to @patrizio:bekerle.com Hi everyone. I was just listening to Matthias' talk at Linuxtage Graz ๐ Who isn't? ๐คฃ | 09:58:28 |
Patrizio | Exactly ๐ | 10:11:49 |
| Anton joined the room. | 23:17:31 |
9 Apr 2024 |
phaer | Looking forward to see many of you this evening at https://nixos.at/posts/meetup-2024-04-09/ :) | 07:43:23 |
Patrizio | I'm hoping for something in Graz. ๐ | 07:44:57 |
phaer | Just do it! | 07:45:35 |
Patrizio | I was 98% sure that this would be your answer! ๐ | 08:01:59 |
| dadbod joined the room. | 12:20:22 |
dadbod | matthias' talk was really relaxed and well-presented. it's what drove me to find this user group | 12:21:47 |
| @parsec:bachgau.social left the room. | 15:07:54 |
bendlas | Be there in 20 | 16:17:31 |
bendlas | Mein erwรคhntes Proposal fรผr NixOS state management: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/what-about-state-management/37082/2 | 18:05:59 |