
NixOS Matrix Subsystem

118 Members
Coordination and discussion about the matrix subsystem in NixOS - https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Matrix61 Servers

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10 Feb 2024
@raspher:nixos.devraspher changed their display name from Szymon Scholz to raspher.20:50:12
14 Feb 2024
@raspher:nixos.devraspher set a profile picture.01:30:43
20 Feb 2024
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner EvansI keep having this issue where Element decides that it can't write to the database anymore (claiming it's out of disk space), and says it needs to reload, and when it does it comes up with "Missing Session Data". I definitely have enough free disk space (200+ GB), so it's not actually that. Any ideas of what it might actually be?15:20:26
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans(Element also seems to have forgotten how to send notifications as well, so not sure what's going on there either)15:22:44
In reply to @sumner:nevarro.space
I keep having this issue where Element decides that it can't write to the database anymore (claiming it's out of disk space), and says it needs to reload, and when it does it comes up with "Missing Session Data". I definitely have enough free disk space (200+ GB), so it's not actually that. Any ideas of what it might actually be?
I have no idea what's happening there, but I also repeatedly stumbled into that problem.
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaelement-web or element-desktop?20:06:31
@hexa:lossy.networkhexae.g. firefox has limited local storage per site20:07:18
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evanselement desktop. Just happened to me twice today.20:12:13
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner EvansI have a feeling it has to do with the large number of keys that my account has, but it's really stupid that it just blows up20:14:49
23 Feb 2024
@janejasperous:one.ems.host@janejasperous:one.ems.host left the room.16:35:54
@lehmanator:tchncs.deSam Lehman joined the room.20:05:05
4 Mar 2024
@hexa:lossy.networkhexahow does synapse merge the extraConfigFiles?21:47:43
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaI have an OIDC provider set up, and that is basically an object within a list21:48:01
@hexa:lossy.networkhexato I have to keep the whole oidc provider section in an extraConfigFile21:48:18
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * do I have to keep the whole oidc provider section in an extraConfigFile21:48:30
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27 yes you'd have to. Or use client_secret_path for the secret (in fact I added that to synapse for precisely that problem) 22:02:09
6 Mar 2024
@sammy:cherrykitten.dev@sammy:cherrykitten.dev joined the room.19:04:07
18 Mar 2024
@konaya:ansiktsburk.se@konaya:ansiktsburk.se changed their display name from konaya to SA0TAY.11:36:14
20 Mar 2024
@withoutwithin:matrix.org@withoutwithin:matrix.org changed their profile picture.19:01:01
21 Mar 2024
@ralith:ralith.comRalith anyone have a good simple tool for sending messages from a shell script? 02:29:43
In reply to @ralith:ralith.com
anyone have a good simple tool for sending messages from a shell script?
Like this? https://github.com/fabianonline/matrix.sh
@ralith:ralith.comRalithyeah, that looks nice, thanks02:53:20
@ralith:ralith.comRalithseems a bit unmaintained, but probably adequate for my simple text purposes02:58:38
@delroth:delroth.net@delroth:delroth.net The NixOS monitoring infra uses go-neb which is a daemon with an HTTP endpoint to send messages, which might work for your use case too  06:54:18
22 Mar 2024
@ralith:ralith.comRaliththat seems kind of recursive; synapse is already a daemon with an HTTP endpoint to send messages18:17:45
@ralith:ralith.comRalithif it wasn't annoying to get the escaping right you could just use curl18:18:25
26 Mar 2024
@ian:graham.tokyo@ian:graham.tokyo joined the room.08:51:08
31 Mar 2024
@ian:graham.tokyo@ian:graham.tokyo set a profile picture.05:52:18
@technicus:matrix.orgMiles Dyson joined the room.23:06:59

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