
NixOS Matrix Subsystem

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19 Mar 2023
@motiejus:jakstys.ltmotiejus also, somewhat related question about mautrix-facebook.nix: I am looking how to pass hs_token and as_token via registrationData, however, I am not clear how to not add the secrets to the nix store. These tokens are in separate files (like in my question below); any ideas how to pass them to the service? 19:59:06
21 Mar 2023
In reply to @motiejus:jakstys.lt

hi folks. I am setting up Synapse on my brand new NixOS server (still consider myself new to NixOS, but have been maintaining my synapse for ~2 years). I have a couple of secrets -- registration_shared_secret, turn_shared_secret, macaroon_secret_key, which I am supposed to pass over extraConfigFiles\. Here is how I envision the process exactly:

  • The secrets are written on ramfs reachable as root alone.
  • ExecStartPre reads all secret files and pre-populates the yamls somewhere in /run/synapse via dirty printfs.
  • extraConfigFiles then point to the places wherever the one-step-above generates them.

Am I doing this right? Any other hints/ideas?

I did exactly this , and it seems to work (except for a tidbit with signing_key_path, which I suggest a fix in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/222336 )
In reply to @motiejus:jakstys.lt

hi folks. I am setting up Synapse on my brand new NixOS server (still consider myself new to NixOS, but have been maintaining my synapse for ~2 years). I have a couple of secrets -- registration_shared_secret, turn_shared_secret, macaroon_secret_key, which I am supposed to pass over extraConfigFiles\. Here is how I envision the process exactly:

  • The secrets are written on ramfs reachable as root alone.
  • ExecStartPre reads all secret files and pre-populates the yamls somewhere in /run/synapse via dirty printfs.
  • extraConfigFiles then point to the places wherever the one-step-above generates them.

Am I doing this right? Any other hints/ideas?

* I did exactly this , and it seems to work (except for a tidbit with signing_key_path, which I suggest a fix in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/222336
24 Mar 2023
@hexa:lossy.networkhexahow is everyone else dealing with element and the read marker issues02:40:58
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathreading is now enabled by default, no opt-out, but "mark as read" doesn't clear the read marker for some rooms02:41:19
@hexa:lossy.networkhexawhen starting element, lots of already read stuff reappears as read02:41:39
@hexa:lossy.networkhexait takes the joy out of matrix for me big time02:41:46
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro 🐧I sometimes send "spam" messages 13:51:58
@n0emis:noemis.meemberYep, same. Somehow I don’t have this issue on iOS or with syncv3 enabled, although that brings a whole new set if bugs15:00:39
@n0emis:noemis.meember* Yep, same. Somehow I don’t have this issue on iOS or with syncv3 enabled, although that brings a whole new set of bugs15:00:39
25 Mar 2023
@julian:foad.me.ukJulianF changed their profile picture.21:09:20
28 Mar 2023
* @dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellion wonders if his federation is broken23:01:00
574:    "matrix-js-sdk-0.7.13" = {
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaand of cours element, cinny and schildichat23:24:25
29 Mar 2023
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionmy federation, was, in fact broken04:48:33
30 Mar 2023
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaschildichat is still behind, someone please?23:09:52
31 Mar 2023
root@rp64-ssd:~matrix-synapse/ > RUST_LOG=synapse_auto_compressor=debug,synapse_compress_state=debug su matrix-synapse -c 'synapse_auto_compressor -p "postgresql://matrix-synapse:$(cat postgres_password)@localhost/synapse" -c 500 -n 100'
[2023-03-31T15:38:52Z INFO  synapse_auto_compressor] synapse_auto_compressor started
[2023-03-31T15:38:53Z INFO  synapse_auto_compressor::manager] Running compressor on room ![REDACTED_ID]:[REDACTED_SERVER] with chunk size 500
[2023-03-31T15:38:54Z DEBUG synapse_compress_state::database] Got initial state from database. Checking for any missing state groups...
[2023-03-31T15:38:54Z ERROR panic] thread 'main' panicked at 'Missing [REDACTED 6-DIGIT INTEGER]': src/lib.rs:665

Have… been using https://github.com/matrix-org/rust-synapse-compress-state successfully for a while now… but… got this today… don't… know why… or… since when has been happening…

@hexa:lossy.networkhexathe thing has problemx15:49:19
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa you can delete that state_compressor* tables from your synapse db 15:50:09
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathen it will work again15:50:13
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaare you by chance also rolling with retention enabled?15:50:26
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * the thing has problems15:50:44
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaapparently the state_compressor table data gets out of sync/corrupted15:51:41
@hexa:lossy.networkhexapotential fix here https://github.com/matrix-org/rust-synapse-compress-state/issues/78#issuecomment-140993286915:51:44

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