
NixOS Matrix Subsystem

118 Members
Coordination and discussion about the matrix subsystem in NixOS - https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Matrix61 Servers

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21 Dec 2022
In reply to @luxus:luxus.ai
i got dendrite, nginx and element working... but from what i see many bridges are not available in nixpkgs.. how you guys work with bridges that are not in the repo?
You can run Docker containers on NixOS, or you can just run the services on a differen server
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans
In reply to @luxus:luxus.ai
i got dendrite, nginx and element working... but from what i see many bridges are not available in nixpkgs.. how you guys work with bridges that are not in the repo?

I run a couple like this: https://github.com/sumnerevans/nixos-configuration/blob/master/modules/services/matrix/linkedin-matrix.nix and https://github.com/sumnerevans/nixos-configuration/blob/master/modules/services/matrix/mautrix-discord.nix

I have a custom Synapse service as well.

22 Dec 2022
@luxus:luxus.ailuxus thanksĀ  00:04:09
25 Dec 2022
@ahsmha:matrix.org@ahsmha:matrix.org left the room.10:37:03
30 Dec 2022
@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.de@schnecfk:ruhr-uni-bochum.de left the room.10:43:26
1 Jan 2023
@miloignis:synapse.room409.xyzmiloignis changed their display name from miloignis to Tharg.21:35:12
@miloignis:synapse.room409.xyzmiloignis changed their display name from Tharg to miloignis.21:37:03
15 Jan 2023
@motiejus:jakstys.ltmotiejus joined the room.09:35:52
17 Feb 2023
@philipp:xndr.dephilipp Synapse 1.77 released. https://matrix.org/blog/2023/02/16/synapse-1-77-released 14:32:56
@philipp:xndr.dephilippOh, already in. Why was that in my rss feed just now? šŸ¤”14:35:55
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner EvansI update it almost as soon as o see the notification on GitHub.14:37:17
@sumner:nevarro.spaceSumner Evans* I update it almost as soon as I see the notification on GitHub.14:37:26
@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincox changed their profile picture.20:31:56
@kevincox:matrix.orgkevincox changed their profile picture.20:33:07
18 Feb 2023
@quinten:matrix.orgQuinten joined the room.05:02:59
21 Feb 2023
@escap:matrix.orgTobias Stenzel changed their display name from Tobias Stenzel (escaP) to Tobias Stenzel (extern).17:22:39
@escap:matrix.orgTobias Stenzel changed their display name from Tobias Stenzel (extern) to Tobias Stenzel.17:22:49
26 Feb 2023
6 Mar 2023
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27I applied some hacks against element-* to make sure we get pings when somebody touches the package: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/219821 kinda hacky, but I think it's still pretty useful :) 11:28:49
@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.orgOfBorg is notoriously broken, so why not register as Codeowners insteead?11:56:20
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27for codeowners everyone in the maintainer team must have write access, also I don't like having to maintain individual paths at another place in the codebase.12:06:25
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27see https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/managing-your-repositorys-settings-and-features/customizing-your-repository/about-code-owners12:06:28
15 Mar 2023
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathe matrix-synapse dependency management is bit over all over the place regarding optional dependencies09:39:48
@hexa:lossy.networkhexasome get dumped into to propagatedBuildInputs, as if they were required09:40:20
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa some become optional using enableSomething flags 09:40:32
@hexa:lossy.networkhexasome get entirely ignored09:40:36
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa also not a fan of the undiscoverable enableFlag design 09:46:29
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaalso toggling these flags forces a rebuild of the package, when providing a proper PYTHONPATH would be sufficient10:02:25
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa ma27: config inspection to derive required extras? yay/nay? 11:36:43
@ma27:nicht-so.sexyma27so your suggestion would be to handle optional dependencies (such as systemd/redis and probably more, e.g. prometheus_client which is IIRC only needed when actually exposing metrics) the same way as we do it with plugins (i.e. adding them to PYTHONPATH in the service)? Havent' thought too much about it, but after a first glance I'd say it sounds pretty reasonable, hence Yay from me %) 11:57:36

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