
NixOS Matrix Subsystem

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30 Sep 2022
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)what are you setting node_options to12:37:32
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)(plus i don't see why svgo would complain about node_options now if it worked before, sandro -- did you only recently add the node_options setting?)12:40:02
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)

Dandellion: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/2849283c4cebbfbf523cc24303941dc36df9332f/src/node_options.cc#L924

so it is allowed in NODE_OPTIONS, which is evident by the package building.

what was your overlay? how can i reproduce this?

@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)i'm confused, that option has always been allowed to be set in NODE_OPTIONS, which is evident by it working in element-web12:48:32
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)so yes i'd appreciate a reproducible example :)12:49:12
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)i have like, one theory that would explain it, hm12:50:03
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellion It seems it was me using pkgs.fixup_yarn_lock rather than pkgs.unstable.fixup_yarn_lock 13:01:20
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)Is it possible for you send a reproducible example? Just want to see if my theory is correct.13:02:56
configurePhase = ''
        runHook preConfigure
        export HOME=$PWD/tmp
        export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider
        mkdir -p $HOME
        ${pkgs.fixup_yarn_lock}/bin/fixup_yarn_lock yarn.lock
        yarn config --offline set yarn-offline-mirror $offlineCache
        yarn install --offline --frozen-lockfile --ignore-platform --ignore-scripts --no-progress --non-interactive
        patchShebangs node_modules
        # Replace with my matrix-react-sdk
        rm -rf node_modules/matrix-react-sdk
        ln -s ${matrix-react-sdk} node_modules/matrix-react-sdk
        runHook postConfigure

based on summerevans stuff


with matrix-react-sdk being a callPackaged:

{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchpatch
, fetchFromGitHub
, fetchYarnDeps
, writeText
, jq
, yarn
, fixup_yarn_lock
, nodejs
}: stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
  pname = "matrix-react-sdk";
  version = "3.57.0";

  src = fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "matrix-org";
    repo = "matrix-react-sdk";
    rev = "v${version}";
    sha256 = "sha256-duwjxaS4dKn/GbgykqLdQAjXeBG8kt5dhGa+O9iJacg=";

  offlineCache = fetchYarnDeps {
    yarnLock = src + "/yarn.lock";
    sha256 = "sha256-Y/0hyLO78e4KGMfoCRy6bF7tU6rn6LwEcDt5afWTR6U=";

  patches = [
    # All of my patches to matrix-react-sdk
    (fetchpatch {
      url = "https://github.com/sumnerevans/matrix-react-sdk/commit/ed00c00901c1741042162924bba5e800eee71402.patch";
      sha256 = "sha256-YNXRGlTDhYdIeciVRNkERqg366OYVgUaQWFAY9aP1p4=";

  nativeBuildInputs = [ yarn fixup_yarn_lock jq nodejs ];

  configurePhase = ''
    runHook preConfigure

    export HOME=$PWD/tmp
    mkdir -p $HOME

    fixup_yarn_lock yarn.lock
    yarn config --offline set yarn-offline-mirror $offlineCache
    yarn install --offline --frozen-lockfile --ignore-platform --ignore-scripts --no-progress --non-interactive
    patchShebangs node_modules

    runHook postConfigure

  buildPhase = ''
    runHook preBuild
    node_modules/.bin/babel -d lib --verbose --extensions \".ts,.js,.tsx\" src
    runHook postBuild

  installPhase = ''
    runHook preInstall
    cp -R . $out
    runHook postInstall
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro 🐧
In reply to @winterqt:nixos.dev
also wait Sandro 🐧 what were you setting NODE_OPTIONS to? that's not in the version of the hoon you sent, so i don't think it'll reproduce this issue
The crash was in element where it is set to NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2e3e0081e5e843599aaa8f7128d2a139bda7dbca
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionit is probably just stable node being a different version than unstable node13:09:01
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)
In reply to @sandro:supersandro.de
The crash was in element where it is set to NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commit/2e3e0081e5e843599aaa8f7128d2a139bda7dbca
Oh so did you fix it by unsetting it?
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)in your book13:09:27
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)
In reply to @dandellion:dodsorf.as
it is probably just stable node being a different version than unstable node
I'm guessing the issue, at least in Sandro's case, is using Node 14 for svgo, while only Node 18(?) has the option, but the code makes it so invalid options throw that error for whatever reason?
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)* in your hook13:10:49
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro 🐧
In reply to @winterqt:nixos.dev
Oh so did you fix it by unsetting it?
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)thanks, will take a look at this, may be a valid bug upstream13:13:59
@kity:kity.wtfproblems hey, i just added this to my dendrite config which seems to have helped some issues joining rooms. it's in the sample dendrite config, so i think we should probably have it in our defaults too 15:40:13
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)
In reply to @winterqt:nixos.dev
Dendrite 0.10.0 is out.
Dendrite 0.10.1 is out.
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)I can do the upgrade in ~4 hours, if nobody else does by then.16:39:13
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her) Looks like there are still some issues with it, so maybe they'll be a 0.10.2 by the time I get to it, 😅. (hi problems) 16:42:54
@kity:kity.wtfproblemsalso, has anyone checked if the flaky dendrite tests have been fixed?17:16:56
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)doesn't look like it17:17:15
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)though i can do more tests when i bump17:17:25
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)(i originally disabled them)17:17:30
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)* not sure17:17:47
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)* i can do more tests when i bump17:18:00
@kity:kity.wtfproblems which tests were failing? i removed the doCheck = false line and didn't see anything fail, but if they're flaky obviously that might not mean much 17:18:10

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