
NixOS Matrix Subsystem

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26 Sep 2022
--- a/src/datastore/postgres/PgDataStore.ts
+++ b/src/datastore/postgres/PgDataStore.ts
@@ -661,8 +661,9 @@ export class PgDataStore implements DataStore {
     public async getRoomsVisibility(roomIds: string[]) {
         const map: {[roomId: string]: "public"|"private"} = {};
-        const list = `('${roomIds.join("','")}')`;
-        const res = await this.pgPool.query(`SELECT room_id, visibility FROM room_visibility WHERE room_id IN ${list}`);
+        const res = await this.pgPool.query("SELECT room_id, visibility FROM room_visibility WHERE room_id IN $1", [
+            roomIds,
+        ]);
         for (const row of res.rows) {
             map[row.room_id] = row.visibility ? "public" : "private";
@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.orgGood thing that I still haven't updated my bridge from last time, so now I only need to update once 🙈11:28:57
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaonly with postgres, prevents injection apparently11:29:01
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaaren't you on heisenbridge anyhow?11:29:14
@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.orgI have both, for legacy reasons11:29:38
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa Winter (she/her): and of course they removed the crypto-sdk in this release again 😄 11:51:32
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathey don't mention it, but it's gone11:52:18
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)
In reply to @hexa:lossy.network
Winter (she/her): and of course they removed the crypto-sdk in this release again 😄

nooo lmao

is it even worth packaging it then?

@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her) (also: "again"? they only added it last release) 13:33:00
@hexa:lossy.networkhexayes, I think so13:34:23
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa0.35.0 added 0.35.1 removed13:34:35
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaboth transitively13:34:39
In reply to @winterqt:nixos.dev
(also: "again"? they only added it last release)
again can mean to go back to a previous state
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionnot just repeating13:35:04
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellion * not just repeating something13:35:11
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaoh, maybe my english is bad 😛13:35:23
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionno it's fine13:35:29
@hexa:lossy.networkhexabecause winter is a native speaker I guess 😄13:35:31
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her) i'll stop talking because i don't mean to nitpick anyone, sorry >.< 13:38:13
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionit's apparently obsolete since like 18th century in english (but my native language still has it as well, so no one has ever pointed out the misuse before now) so thanks for pointing it out actually13:43:34
@linus:schreibt.jetzt@linus:schreibt.jetzthuh, I as a native speaker also understand that use of again13:45:40
@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.orgSo when did the split happen and where did it propagate to? Gotta love etymology13:46:31
@winterqt:nixos.devWinter (she/her)
In reply to @linus:schreibt.jetzt
huh, I as a native speaker also understand that use of again
interesting! to be clear, i read it as they removed it for a second+ time
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionI don't know anymore, I think its valid with wiktionary's 5th definition (and not obsolete), but I struggle to find examples specifically for a change being undone rather that describing a past state coming back "positively".14:00:19
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionif a native speaker understood I'd say it's all good14:01:35
@linus:schreibt.jetzt@linus:schreibt.jetzt"I added it and then removed it again"?14:01:56
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionyes that's how I would have said it14:02:13
@dandellion:dodsorf.asDandellionbut googling that leads to very few results14:02:36

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