
NixOS Module System

81 Members
20 Servers

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15 Oct 2024
@pyrox:pyrox.devdish [Fox/It/She] joined the room.03:21:06
19 Oct 2024
@jwillikers:matrix.orgjwillikers joined the room.12:07:59
21 Oct 2024
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) changed their display name from (lambda (f l) (format nil "~a ~a")) "Artur" "Manuel" to (artur 'manuel).20:04:44
23 Oct 2024
@luna-null:matrix.orgluna-null changed their display name from Autumn to luna-null.09:49:21
24 Oct 2024
@jopejoe1:matrix.orgjopejoe1 set a profile picture.07:35:14
@pyrox:pyrox.devdish [Fox/It/She] left the room.08:18:07

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