
NixOS Binary Cache Self-Hosting

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11 Mar 2024
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefi grew up writing Perl but it's been a decade or two since i've been primarily a Perl programmer17:22:16
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomI see17:22:30
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefit's not particularly hard to learn, and it's a nice language for a lot of things if you grasp it properly17:23:41
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomYeah, I saw the existing Perl code and found it to be reasonable readable, but I heard community voices..17:24:10
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomI care more about the established architecture, as the language itself17:24:25
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomAnd thought, it might take an experienced Perl hacker to circumvent that17:24:40
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefi wouldn't say that Hydra is one of the nicer Perl codebases i've seen17:24:41
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomeventually17:24:43
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefbut you fight with the army you have, not the one you want17:24:54
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomSo you wouldnt agree to see if a replacement has any sense.17:25:21
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefmy experience tells me that these grand migrations rarely go well, and staged migrations provide value continuously with far more predictability17:26:41
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefeven if you have a credible replacement you could deploy tomorrow in a greenfield scenario, that does not mean there is a migration path17:28:19
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefwherever migration paths do exist, they are generally not pre-tested on a system of this scale17:28:51
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefscale is where ideas that look good on paper go to die, pretty much17:29:20
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom
In reply to @edef1c:matrix.org
even if you have a credible replacement you could deploy tomorrow in a greenfield scenario, that does not mean there is a migration path
yeah, sure
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomyou paint a rosier picture of Hydra, as that one that I got today by another contributor 17:29:43
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok ShalomI dont really have an overview, on how bad it is17:29:54
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomcouple of things look really broken from the outside17:30:03
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomsearch queries as an example17:30:12
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefeh. i've seen some shit in this world, we are nowhere near rock bottom yet17:30:22
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomand even just downloading an ISO, which took a full 15 minutes yesterday to even start17:30:28
@edef1c:matrix.orgedefwe could improve search queries and blob downloads quite directly17:30:45
@whentze:matrix.orgWanja Hentzeand preferring an incremental replacement is not an endorsement of what's there17:30:51
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom
In reply to @edef1c:matrix.org
scale is where ideas that look good on paper go to die, pretty much
that is actually what I currently discuss with the dev of the other CI pipeline
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomhe hasnt tested such a scenario yet17:31:11
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalombut indicates, that its possible 17:31:22
@edef1c:matrix.orgedeflike, i had all kinds of fun ideas for how quickly we would migrate the cache17:31:30
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom
In reply to @whentze:matrix.org
and preferring an incremental replacement is not an endorsement of what's there
thats a nice sentence 🙂
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalom
In reply to @edef1c:matrix.org
we could improve search queries and blob downloads quite directly
yeah, the simple mind of mine thinks, it would have been done already, if it were so easy
@shalokshalom:dendrite.matrix.orgShalok Shalomfrom the outside, it always looks very different than from the inside17:32:23

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