
NixOS + Framework

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Discussing NixOS in the context of the Framework laptop24 Servers

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2 Jun 2024
@johnazoidberg:matrix.orgDaniel SchäferYou can use `--driver portio` flag for the command13:00:27
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegamesyes, Framework 1613:00:30
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegamesworks, thanks13:01:11
@johnazoidberg:matrix.orgDaniel SchäferI wrote the tool 😉13:02:41
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegames"Select which driver is used. By default portio is used [possible values: portio, cros-ec, windows]" this seems wrong though?13:02:42
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegamesit's a great tool, thank you13:02:56
@johnazoidberg:matrix.orgDaniel SchäferWhat seems wrong?13:03:04
@johnazoidberg:matrix.orgDaniel SchäferAh yes, default is cros-ec13:03:24
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegamesHow do I rebind keys on my keyboard (numpad, to be precise)? I've never touched qmk stuff before13:22:40
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegamesall I want is to get rid of that silly calculator key :D13:22:52
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaRedacted or Malformed Event14:34:51
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa legacyPiegames: have you tried out the vial package in nixpkgs? 14:35:17
In reply to @hexa:lossy.network
legacyPiegames: have you tried out the vial package in nixpkgs?
Yesm /tmp/nix-shell-268966-0/rc: line 3: vial: command not found, not debugged any further yet
In reply to @hexa:lossy.network
legacyPiegames: have you tried out the vial package in nixpkgs?
* Yes, /tmp/nix-shell-268966-0/rc: line 3: vial: command not found, not debugged any further yet
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegames (via nix-shell -p vial --run vial) 14:48:44
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathat is … not very far 😄 14:48:57
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa the executable is called Vial 14:49:12
@hexa:lossy.networkhexacould've used nix run 😄 14:49:48
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegames"No devices detected"14:50:36
4 Jun 2024
@piegames:matrix.orglegacyPiegamesSo vial told me to install some udev rules, a reboot later it still doesn't detect them07:40:52
@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes)Vial packaging situation is pretty bad (and I'm mostly the one to blame 🙈)09:02:05
@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes)But the udev stuff should work, I havent got any issues about that iirc09:02:29
@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes)(I also haven't used vial in a while)09:02:41
In reply to @kranzes:matrix.org
But the udev stuff should work, I havent got any issues about that iirc
Can you share your config for that, to make sure I didn't fuck up?
  services.udev.extraRules = ''
    # For VIAL, https://get.vial.today/manual/linux-udev.html
    KERNEL=="hidraw*", SUBSYSTEM=="hidraw", ATTRS{serial}=="*vial:f64c2b3c*", MODE="0660", GROUP="users", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl"

That's what I have right now

@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes)services.udev.packages = [ pkgs.vial ]09:03:36
@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes)should work?09:03:38
@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes)Have you tried Via/Vial web?09:03:52
@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes)(only works in chromium tho)09:04:04

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