
Nix NodeJS

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17 Sep 2024
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumbleI was trying to make a project that built to react, react native and electron But I think its really complicated and confusing to understand So I might give up on that13:51:41
18 Sep 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.19:05:40
@lassulus:lassul.uslassulus joined the room.19:54:28
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) changed their profile picture.23:00:37
19 Sep 2024
@vengmark2:matrix.orgl0b0 joined the room.04:19:44
@vengmark2:matrix.orgl0b0 Does anyone know how to set up eslint with just Nix, that is, without package-*.json? It wants to import from two packages, "globals" and "@eslint/js", and neither of those are in nixpkgs. 04:21:46
22 Sep 2024
@qfe6mwof7:matrix.org@qfe6mwof7:matrix.org left the room.06:56:10
28 Sep 2024
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumblecan the build phase of buildNpmPackage see files in absolute paths?16:47:57
@winter:catgirl.cloudWintercan you rephrase?16:48:37
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinteror give an example16:48:42
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinteri don't know what you're asking :)16:48:45

ok so i have

which builds an eleventy site and sets up an executable that runs an express server

the elventy also starts a discord webhook bot https://gitlab.com/balancemod/main-site/-/blob/develop/.eleventy.js?ref_type=heads#L194
which sends any new posts in the eleventy server to the discord webhook

this is used by a nixos config which creates an override
which sets the discord token using sops nix https://gitlab.com/balancemod/main-site/-/blob/nixos/secrets.json?ref_type=heads

rebuilding nixos and error returns of getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN discord.com (via Error)

i decide to make a test thing

bmod-test = bmod.override {
        stage = "beta";
        extraBuildOptions = {
          BMOD_DISCORD = "/home/tumble/Documents/git/bmod/main-site/discord.json";
          BMOD_WEBHOOKS = builtins.toFile "webhook-config-beta.json" (builtins.toJSON [
              name = "abc123";
              channel = "975111433387925564";
              filter = {
                data = {
                  tags = "posts";
                  category = "blog";

which building that comes back with no such file or directory, open '/home/tumble/Documents/git/bmod/main-site/discord.json'

@winter:catgirl.cloudWinteryeah you can't do that17:15:06
@winter:catgirl.cloudWintereither remove the quotes to get it copied to the store (won't work with flakes) or use a relative path into the same repo (will work with flakes)17:15:37
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter * 17:15:44
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumbleim using the absulute path to mirror how it should be for the server which has an abosolute path to sops decrypted secret file17:23:50
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumble* im using the absulute path to mirror how it should be for the server which has an abosolute path to sops decrypted secret value file17:24:00
@winter:catgirl.cloudWintersure, but you can't do that, since it's sandboxed. try to see if you can get it to use that path at runtime?17:29:48
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumblehmm i cound do a conviluted thing where i have eleventy output the posts to a json file in a seperate deviation output and the include that in a seperate package that just runs the webhook17:34:35
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumble* hmm i could do a conviluted thing where i have eleventy output the posts to a json file in a seperate deviation output and the include that in a seperate package that just runs the webhook17:34:42
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumble* hmm i could do a convaluted thing where i have eleventy output the posts to a json file in a seperate deviation output and the include that in a seperate package that just runs the webhook17:35:06
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumbleRedacted or Malformed Event17:58:52
@larstvei:matrix.orglarstvei changed their display name from Lars Tveito to larstvei.23:09:53
1 Oct 2024
@-_o:matrix.org-_o joined the room.21:00:17
15 Oct 2024
@pyrox:pyrox.devdish [Fox/It/She] joined the room.07:40:39
17 Oct 2024
@ixxie:matrix.orgixxie joined the room.17:12:59
18 Oct 2024
@tomodachi94:matrix.orgTomodachi94 joined the room.04:52:27
19 Oct 2024
@tomodachi94:matrix.orgTomodachi94I added @NixOS/node as "project admins" to https://github.com/orgs/NixOS/projects/83 :)02:29:17
@mwoodpatrickmx:matrix.orgmwoodpatrickmx joined the room.17:01:21
21 Oct 2024
@artur:glasgow.social(artur 'manuel) changed their display name from (lambda (f l) (format nil "~a ~a")) "Artur" "Manuel" to (artur 'manuel).20:03:05

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