
Nix NodeJS

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30 Aug 2024
@adis:blad.is@adis:blad.isYeah :) Pretty well designed hooks ;)03:58:26
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI had to backport the Nixpkgs pnpm machinery to 24.05 because of Electron03:58:27
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyand I was just like what is this03:58:30
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinterbluntly: the pnpm solution that was added is... uh03:58:35
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyhey it's not blunt if you trail off at the end of the sentence :)03:58:50
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinterNot Great03:59:45
@artur:glasgow.social(lambda (f l) (format nil "~a ~a")) "Artur" "Manuel" joined the room.08:08:22
31 Aug 2024
@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktabootis it possible to merge 2 yarn offlineCaches ?18:50:14
@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktabootthat won't fix my issue anw ...19:00:20
1 Sep 2024
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk anyone that can help me with skill issues? Hedgedoc has a security update I can't get working... I could just pin node-sqlite3 to 5.1.6 instead of 5.1.7, but that feels like I'm just kicking the problem down the line, how do I actually fix the install part of its package.json? I have no idea how anything in node works https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/338849 17:40:35
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk(I may fall asleep soon so sorry if I'm slow to reply)17:41:05
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk * anyone that can help me with my node skill issues? Hedgedoc has a security update I can't get working... I could just pin node-sqlite3 to 5.1.6 instead of 5.1.7, but that feels like I'm just kicking the problem down the line, how do I actually fix the install part of its package.json? I have no idea how anything in node works https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/338849 17:41:13
2 Sep 2024
Download 2024-09-02_05-14.png
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafkactually never mind 🙃03:14:52

I'm getting 'Electron failed to install correctly' when building a package
the failing 'script' command is gulp build

Tried many thing but I'm all out of ideas, any tips would be appreciated.

@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktaboot *

I'm getting Electron failed to install correctly when building a package
the failing 'script' command is gulp build

Tried many thing but I'm all out of ideas, any tips would be appreciated.

@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktaboot *

I'm getting

when building a package
the failing 'script' command is gulp build

Tried many thing but I'm all out of ideas, any tips would be appreciated.

@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktaboot *

I'm getting

Error: Electron failed to install correctly, please delete node_modules/electron and try installing again

when building a package
the failing 'script' command is gulp build

Tried many thing but I'm all out of ideas, any tips would be appreciated.

@winter:catgirl.cloudWinteryou'll need to give a lot more info than that15:14:17
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinterbut you can also try just setting whatever that one environment variable is to get electron to pull locally, grep around nixpkgs for it15:15:06
In reply to @winter:catgirl.cloud
but you can also try just setting whatever that one environment variable is to get electron to pull locally, grep around nixpkgs for it
In reply to @winter:catgirl.cloud
you'll need to give a lot more info than that
I think I'll end up either opening a draft PR or on discourse 👀
In reply to @aktaboot:tchncs.de
3 Sep 2024
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafknot sure if people have seen this, but just to make sure someone is aware, node 22.7.0 has a regression that breaks UTF-8 encoding. https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/54543 Should probably skip that version02:42:05
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk(this breaks some databases)02:42:17
In reply to @cafkafk:gitter.im
not sure if people have seen this, but just to make sure someone is aware, node 22.7.0 has a regression that breaks UTF-8 encoding. https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/54543

Should probably skip that version
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily already in the current staging-next, maybe we should roll it back though 02:48:04
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinteri'd OK that02:48:24
@winter:catgirl.cloudWintermake a PR pls02:48:29

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