
Nix NodeJS

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30 Apr 2024
@c0ba1t:matrix.orgCobaltI'll try to make a PR when 20.0.1 gets released.21:28:23
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @c0ba1t:matrix.org
It looks like the fix for the upstream issue was merged today. Though, by the comments on the MR, it will likely take a bit until a patch release will be published. So there's no need to hurry here.
(well hurry or not, i'm just making clear i don't think anyone from nodejs team will be touching it any time soon)
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @c0ba1t:matrix.org
I'll try to make a PR when 20.0.1 gets released.
i assume you mean 22.0.1, but thank you!
1 May 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels.15:06:24
2 May 2024
@mac:private.coffeemac joined the room.03:33:06
@timekillertk:matrix.orgTimekillerTK joined the room.04:11:49
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter joined the room.21:02:51
4 May 2024
@purepani:matrix.orgpurepani joined the room.01:59:39
5 May 2024
@purepani:matrix.orgpurepani Hey Lily Foster I was maybe considering looking at the buildYarnPackage PR, and was wondering if you had a short rundown of stuff that needs to be done; I haven't tried looking through it yet, and am not too familiar with nodejs stuff, so it'd good to have a shortlist of tasks 02:53:20
@purepani:matrix.orgpurepanimaybe i won't be working on it too much though...this being unfixed so far is a bit insane: https://github.com/yarnpkg/berry/issues/606803:38:29
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter welcome to nodejs hell :) 03:42:18
@purepani:matrix.orgpurepani how does that bug not make yarn-berry effectively useless to anyone 03:43:22
@purepani:matrix.orgpurepanimaybe ill just work on pnpm stuff instead since that bug makes yarn-berry lock files not useful to nix...04:00:37
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumblecan i use pnpm with buildNpmPackage?15:48:10
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter no 15:57:55
In reply to @winter:catgirl.cloud
if i have a repo with pnpm project and i have anouther repo thats a nixos config flake
could i make the config repo get the other repo and run them in a systemd?
i was thinking of the project repo being a flake that outputs a package or something
and the config repo has it as an input and send it to the nix config wich sets up the service
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter yes, but you'll need to package your project first. there are various pnpm nix things that work, but i can really only vouch for the npm tooling being the most resistant to all of the awful hacks that is the node.js ecosystem. 16:03:35
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumbledo i delete the pnpm lock file and turn it into an npm project?16:04:14
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter if you want 16:04:42
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumbledoes the npm tooling only work with npm project as opposed to a pnpm project??16:05:22
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter correct 16:05:33
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter the npm tooling only works with projects that have an npm lock file 16:05:47
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumblewait, do i have to produce a binary?16:13:31
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter no 16:15:26
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter the npm tooling will automatically produce a wrapper in $out/bin if your package.json is configured properly 16:15:45
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumble nix build puts everything into result/lib/node_modules/(name)
but nix run tries to run /nix/store/.../bin/(name) which doesnt exist
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumbleok figured it out17:19:30
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumble i searched github for a repo that has both buildNpmPackage and dontNpmBuild
@tumble1999:matrix.orgTumbleand then saw that had a "bin" property in package.json17:20:40

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