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30 Apr 2024
@matejam:matrix.orgmatejamI think that project used nodejs_16 but I'm okay with changing the version20:38:15
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster i mean you can just use the nodejs attr which should always be latest LTS 20:44:07
@lily:lily.flowersLily Fosterunless it has C++ code in which case, nodejs breaks that a little between versions and you may want to pin one20:44:28
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster(fwiw current LTS is nodejs_22 as of a few days ago)20:45:20
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster(apparently)20:45:26
@matejam:matrix.orgmatejamHere's a working version: https://github.com/MatejaMaric/yota-laravel/blob/c114ebc3c725a67a19d148a95543ed307094c659/derivation.nix Thanks a lot Lily! 🤗20:45:42
@lily:lily.flowersLily Fosteroh heck yeah, that's awesome :)20:45:58

unless it has C++ code in which case, nodejs breaks that a little between versions and you may want to pin one

Yeah, I'll pin it. I had to add NODE_OPTIONS="--openssl-legacy-provider"; for SSL to work so I guess I do use C++

@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @matejam:matrix.org
Here's a working version: https://github.com/MatejaMaric/yota-laravel/blob/c114ebc3c725a67a19d148a95543ed307094c659/derivation.nix
Thanks a lot Lily! 🤗
(if you want, you can set npmBuildScript = "prod" and include npmBuildHook as well)
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @matejam:matrix.org
Here's a working version: https://github.com/MatejaMaric/yota-laravel/blob/c114ebc3c725a67a19d148a95543ed307094c659/derivation.nix
Thanks a lot Lily! 🤗
* (if you want, you can set npmBuildScript = "prod" and include npmBuildHook as well and remove the postBuild)
@c0ba1t:matrix.orgCobaltIirc, the nodejs 22 LTS has some problems with node gyp. You might want to stick with 18 for a few more weeks until testing has been done20:46:49
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @c0ba1t:matrix.org
Iirc, the nodejs 22 LTS has some problems with node gyp. You might want to stick with 18 for a few more weeks until testing has been done
well if they're using npmHooks and nodejs, it'll be 20 for a bit
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster i don't think nixpkgs has set nodejs = nodejs_22 yet (just node_20) 20:47:27
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @c0ba1t:matrix.org
Iirc, the nodejs 22 LTS has some problems with node gyp. You might want to stick with 18 for a few more weeks until testing has been done
(also what problems? that's concerning if their build tool didn't work on release....)
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster (i guess it is nodejs admittedly) 20:47:54

(if you want, you can set npmBuildScript = "prod" and include npmBuildHook as well and remove the postBuild)

Hm, for some reason if I do that it doesn't generate files that npm run prod generates in $src/share/php/yota-laravel/public/ where I want them.

@c0ba1t:matrix.orgCobaltIirc, it is on 22 on unstable. I don't remember the specifics but an unstable bum recently made our builds fail until we returned to 18. Iirc, it was similar to https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/issues/302920:59:57
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @matejam:matrix.org

(if you want, you can set npmBuildScript = "prod" and include npmBuildHook as well and remove the postBuild)

Hm, for some reason if I do that it doesn't generate files that npm run prod generates in $src/share/php/yota-laravel/public/ where I want them.

share derivation? (e.g. on a pastebin?) that seems weird
@lily:lily.flowersLily Fosteroh you know what21:01:00
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @c0ba1t:matrix.org
Iirc, it is on 22 on unstable. I don't remember the specifics but an unstable bum recently made our builds fail until we returned to 18. Iirc, it was similar to https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/issues/3029
but it was 20 before 22, did 20 not work either?
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @lily:lily.flowers
oh you know what
i wonder if it's because the composer stuff changes build to that dir first
@lily:lily.flowersLily Fosterif it's working now, leave it as-is then :)21:02:13

i wonder if it's because the composer stuff changes build to that dir first

Yeah, maybe even the other way around. In the logs I see first the npm runs and then composer>

if it's working now, leave it as-is then :)

sure 😄

share derivation? (e.g. on a pastebin?) that seems weird

If you are interested, I can make a new branch with the change. It's my open source project anyway

@matejam:matrix.orgmatejam *

i wonder if it's because the composer stuff changes build to that dir first

Yeah, maybe even the other way around. In the logs I see first the npm runs and then composer.

if it's working now, leave it as-is then :)

sure 😄

share derivation? (e.g. on a pastebin?) that seems weird

If you are interested, I can make a new branch with the change. It's my open source project anyway

@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @matejam:matrix.org

i wonder if it's because the composer stuff changes build to that dir first

Yeah, maybe even the other way around. In the logs I see first the npm runs and then composer.

if it's working now, leave it as-is then :)

sure 😄

share derivation? (e.g. on a pastebin?) that seems weird

If you are interested, I can make a new branch with the change. It's my open source project anyway

nah, i'm pretty sure it's because composer changes dir and you want npm to run after that. so you're doing it right enough and this looks pretty awesome actually :)
@lily:lily.flowersLily Fosterit feels neat that you are able to mix the npm hooks into another builder without too much fuss and have a multi-language-package-manager app build in a derivation like that21:06:10
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @c0ba1t:matrix.org
Iirc, it is on 22 on unstable. I don't remember the specifics but an unstable bum recently made our builds fail until we returned to 18. Iirc, it was similar to https://github.com/nodejs/node-gyp/issues/3029
oooof. well marsam left and i'm recovering from surgery, so someone else will probably have to bump the nodejs derivation
@lily:lily.flowersLily Foster
In reply to @lily:lily.flowers
oooof. well marsam left and i'm recovering from surgery, so someone else will probably have to bump the nodejs derivation
(no one else is on nodejs team rn except winter who also hasn't had time for things....)
@matejam:matrix.orgmatejam Yeah, Composer also has it's own version of fetchNpmDeps (mkComposerRepository) but I couldn't really make it work. I don't know how it would handle 3 or more language app builds 😂 I'm glad that it works for 2 21:10:14
In reply to @lily:lily.flowers
oooof. well marsam left and i'm recovering from surgery, so someone else will probably have to bump the nodejs derivation
It looks like the fix for the upstream issue was merged today. Though, by the comments on the MR, it will likely take a bit until a patch release will be published. So there's no need to hurry here.

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