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22 Aug 2024
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinteror whatever03:06:01
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily …so that I can patch out the illegal Apple ones… that signal-desktop ships… and that upstream doesn't care about… 03:06:01
In reply to @emilazy:matrix.org
…so that I can patch out the illegal Apple ones… that signal-desktop ships… and that upstream doesn't care about…
what the fuck?
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI was hoping for something that I could put in a file that would auto-update though03:06:13
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily but I guess that only happens for direct pkgs.* anyway 03:06:18
In reply to @winter:catgirl.cloud
what the fuck?
https://matrix.to/#/!kjdutkOsheZdjqYmqp:nixos.org/$PnBoDJZMWM2S7T6QUWvbg3KZq6q4VfH_nMqB1C2Hzik?via=lossy.network&via=matrix.org&via=nixos.dev 🙃
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilythey ship Apple emoji on all platforms03:06:43
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyI don't want to mark Signal as non-free, so…03:06:49
@winter:catgirl.cloudWintercan you make a way to opt-into the previous behavior that makes it nonfree? :P03:07:10
@winter:catgirl.cloudWinter(i assume you'd do such a thing anyways but)03:07:30
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily I didn't think to tbh, but I guess I can add an enableUnfree 03:11:17
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily(why would anyone want the Apple emoji anyway? they're hideous)03:11:27
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily it's actually more like lib.licenses.illegal, but we don't have a way to express that :) 03:13:03
@emilazy:matrix.orgemily "please set NIXPKGS_ALLOW_CRIME" 03:13:22
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk joined the room.04:37:47
@aloisw:kde.org@aloisw:kde.org joined the room.08:11:11
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3) joined the room.11:26:39

so I'm trying to build mullvad-gui from source, but npm is trying to chmod the source files, I can't figure out where or why it's doing that, but settings the cache as writable does not seem to be sufficient

any ideas ? :)

@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktaboot *

so I'm trying to build mullvadvpn-gui from source, but npm is trying to chmod the source files, I can't figure out where or why it's doing that, but settings the cache as writable does not seem to be sufficient

any ideas ? :)

@aktaboot:tchncs.deaktabootthat's happening in the unpackPhase, just after unpacking the source12:50:44
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel joined the room.13:03:37
@sandro:supersandro.deSandro 🐧Anyone can help with https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/330137 ?13:15:17
@asmundesen:matrix.orgArtur Manuel changed their profile picture.14:52:59
23 Aug 2024
@greg:thehellings.comgreg joined the room.20:20:53
@greg:thehellings.comgreg Anybody have a minute to help a Yarn packaging noob? Here's my WIP: https://github.com/greg-hellings/nixpkgs/blob/init-homarr/pkgs/servers/homarr/default.nix - it's throwing an error while setting up the offlineCache. Yes, I know I don't have a hash for it yet. But trying to build gives me the error Unknown token: { line: 3, col: 2, type: 'INVALID', value: undefined } 3:2 in lockfile which is fascinating because I have validated that the character { appears nowhere in the lockfile at all 20:28:57
@greg:thehellings.comgregHere is the lock file it is complaining about. Line 3 is distinctly empty: https://github.com/ajnart/homarr/blob/v0.15.3/yarn.lock20:38:48
@greg:thehellings.comgreg OK, so I've mangled the file to get rid of the first few lines where it was complaining and choking. Now it can't parse the deps entries with their version numbers. 🤷 SyntaxError: Unknown token: { line: 3, col: 12, type: 'NUMBER', value: 1 } 3:12 in lockfile Where line 3 now looks like version: 1.2.6. It gets the digit 1 in the first spot and chokes. 20:59:55
@greg:thehellings.comgregSo I've moved on from it apparently not being able to handle empty lines to now it can't handle parsing numbers. So that's good, I guess?21:00:30
@greg:thehellings.comgreg Oy. I am basically certain I am matching what other packages are doing, but for me it's not working. And the error doesn't mean anything to me. It's being thrown by this line offline> ++ prefetch-yarn-deps --verbose --builder /nix/store/3pj64cpdxi0nn84ip9lni677w82kh1v5-source/yarn.lock 22:50:25

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