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22 Oct 2024
@frontear:matrix.orgfrontearHow can I create a loopback device on NixOS system activation? Wanted to make a loopback device as part of an ExecStartPre of a systemd service, but it seems the service fails on "Waiting for /loopback/mount". Wrong methodology or is this something I should be doing differently?01:04:45
@frontear:matrix.orgfrontearuh oh wait hang on 01:05:32
@frontear:matrix.orgfrontearthis may be user error01:05:39
@frontear:matrix.orgfrontear ugh nope it seems this isnt right. Currently did systemd.services."name".serviceConfig.ExecStartPre = "losetup /dev/loop0 /loop/mount", systemd times out at a start job for /loop/mount.. Should I be doing this stuff differently? 01:10:44
@frontear:matrix.orgfrontear🤦 nevermind i didn't realize that util-linux wasn't part of the path. human error indeed01:25:33
@gdamjan:spodeli.orggdamjan frontear: if it's just for that service you can use MountImages= 01:43:44
@frontear:matrix.orgfrontearTIL, I will look at this ty01:48:06
@sigurosa:matrix.orgsigurosais it possible to compile a nixos nix store into a tarball and extract it on the remote side?03:55:40
@sigurosa:matrix.orgsigurosahandwaving the details03:55:59
@elvishjerricco:matrix.orgElvishJerricco sigurosa: You mean like nix-copy-closure / nix copy? 04:04:36
@mintbear:matrix.orgmintbear joined the room.04:21:06
@sigurosa:matrix.orgsigurosayeah, i guess I dont know how to use it. I was hoping to build an image in a tarball or something, transfer it over and extrac it04:34:35
@sigurosa:matrix.orgsigurosathen activate it04:34:38
@sigurosa:matrix.orgsigurosai'll check out nix copy04:34:52
@human:nitro.chathuman joined the room.04:49:15
@mjm:midna.devmjmIt works via SSH05:01:56
@bumperboat:matrix.orgbumperboatcurious if anyone is working on nixos tests for netfilter that would prevent kernel 6.6.57 from passing ci05:55:43
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Thorsøe
In reply to @sr.estegosaurio:matrix.org
I'm loosing so much sanity here that as soon as I made an up-to-date backup I'm going to try reinstalling. On a reproducible system using root-on-tmpfs.
welcome to the cult
In reply to @bumperboat:matrix.org
curious if anyone is working on nixos tests for netfilter that would prevent kernel 6.6.57 from passing ci
Upstream did add a test for this
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Thorsøelike while tests exist, I do feel linux is not actually having reasonably comprehensive use of tests in general06:04:04
@jkarlson:kapsi.fiEmil Thorsøelike I run open source tests for work on open source and they do not often pass06:04:37
In reply to @jkarlson:kapsi.fi
like while tests exist, I do feel linux is not actually having reasonably comprehensive use of tests in general
Oh yes definitely
@k900:0upti.meK900The kernel still doesn't have a single point of CI 06:05:11
@k900:0upti.meK900Which is insane to me 06:05:15
@aldrenean:matrix.orgaldrenean joined the room.06:05:34
@aldrenean:matrix.orgaldreneanhey guys, I'm pulling my hair out here: I'm trying to run r2modman, which has a nix package that works fine, but it's outdated. When I download the current AppImage and run it with appimage-run, it works, but fails when trying to launch games through steam, with an error about missing 32-bit libraries. Is there any way to resolve this relatively easily?06:07:45
@kyepotta:kde.orgkyepottahave you tried running r2modman under steam-run06:08:33
@aldrenean:matrix.orgaldreneanyeah, it still gives the same error about missing 32-bit libraries06:09:17
@k900:0upti.meK900 24.05 or unstable? 06:09:21

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