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22 Oct 2024
In reply to @bumperboat:matrix.org
whats in your NIX_PATH ? do you have nix.channel.enable = true ?
I have nix.channel.enable = true;, and NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=flake:nixpkgs:/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels
@emilazy:matrix.orgemilyit would be very at your own risk though.08:24:45
@willbush:matrix.orgwillbush changed their profile picture.09:29:12
@zarel_it:matrix.org@zarel_it:matrix.org left the room.09:31:35
In reply to @emma:rory.gay
hm, i was hoping to be able to make a nginx-configuration-as-a-derivation

in nix repl

evalConfig = import <nixpkgs/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix>
out = evalConfig {modules=[(import ./nginx.nix)];}
builtins.readFile out.config.environment.etc."nginx/nginx.conf".source

Works at least with a basic nixos nginx config. Whether this is outside of nixos might depend what you mean by it.

@emilazy:matrix.orgemily preferably avoid builtins.readFile there, that's IFD 09:41:10
In reply to @k900:0upti.me


Ah OK crosses and red hexagons

@ta3arif:matrix.orgBeh_1479 K900:
so after trying to nail the commit down
the faulty commit is this 6c04557835ebfd0fa90dd5037b7422a9d4300a81
the problem is that a merge ??
so how do I break that down even further
I read umu source code they are just running this binary pressure-vessel-wrap
in the virtual environment I made
so its either my enviroment is wrong or there is an incompatibility with glibc or something
@ta3arif:matrix.orgBeh_1479 * K900:
so after trying to nail the commit down (using --first-parent)
the faulty commit is this 6c04557835ebfd0fa90dd5037b7422a9d4300a81
the problem is that a merge ??
so how do I break that down even further
I read umu source code they are just running this binary pressure-vessel-wrap
in the virtual environment I made
so its either my enviroment is wrong or there is an incompatibility with glibc or something
@k900:0upti.meK900Well that's a staging merge09:59:43
@k900:0upti.meK900So you'll have to do a non-first-parent bisect now10:00:09
@k900:0upti.meK900And probably build a bunch of things from source10:00:17
In reply to @k900:0upti.me
So you'll have to do a non-first-parent bisect now
like bisect from where to where
@k900:0upti.meK900From the commit where you know it works10:02:31
@k900:0upti.meK900To the staging merge10:02:41
In reply to @k900:0upti.me
From the commit where you know it works
in first parent mode ??
In reply to @k900:0upti.me

6c04557835eb staging-next 2024-09-21 (#343421)
fba309020fb2 python312Packages.mlflow: 2.14.3 -> 2.16.2 (#347104)

these two commits are from the first parent mode
first broke
second works
should I log between them without using --first parent

@ta3arif:matrix.orgBeh_1479ok than thanks10:05:06
@andrewm:element.ioAndrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} changed their display name from Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him} [back Oct22] to Andrew Morgan (anoa) {he/him}.10:06:11
@scharada:marmels.descharadaRedacted or Malformed Event10:25:41
@b_lin:matrix.orgb_lin joined the room.10:26:49
@b_lin:matrix.orgb_linhas anyone got any experience using clang and cmake for c++20/23? I've been trying to get it to work for the past few days and I couldn't figure it out. I'd really appreciate it as I need it for my work :/10:28:46
@b_lin:matrix.orgb_linI'd be happy to give a small bounty to whomever fixes it for me :)10:28:54
@raf:notashelf.devraf I haven't got much experience with clang nor cmake, but I've been messing with getting it to work for a friend's project. If you can show me the code, I can at least take a look. 10:40:21
@b_lin:matrix.orgb_linoh thanks so much dude <3 life saver10:40:52
@raf:notashelf.devraf * I haven't got much experience with clang nor cmake, but I've been messing with getting them to work for a friend's project. If you can show me the code, I can at least take a look. 10:41:02
@b_lin:matrix.orgb_linraf and I weren't able to fix it, the bounty is still open if anyone wants to take a crack :)10:49:39
@b_lin:matrix.orgb_linit should be pretty simple if anyone has done it, cmake is unable to find the <print> module in c++23 while regular clang++ can10:50:22

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