3 Nov 2023 |
| 6t8k joined the room. | 17:22:11 |
| Paweł joined the room. | 18:35:57 |
| bzm3r joined the room. | 19:50:57 |
| Paweł changed their display name from pawel.zydek to Paweł. | 20:44:29 |
4 Nov 2023 |
| Ms. Demeanor changed their profile picture. | 17:24:46 |
| Ms. Demeanor changed their display name from hive ⬡ to Ms. Demeanor. | 17:26:58 |
6 Nov 2023 |
| sefidel changed their profile picture. | 18:07:19 |
7 Nov 2023 |
| sefidel changed their profile picture. | 10:39:35 |
| Kacper Wyczawski joined the room. | 16:48:31 |
| Salar Rahmanian (softinio) changed their profile picture. | 17:56:19 |
8 Nov 2023 |
| alxandr left the room. | 08:38:58 |
| cellmoose joined the room. | 19:56:52 |
| jbott joined the room. | 20:20:53 |
9 Nov 2023 |
| aloisw joined the room. | 08:53:00 |
| wisw joined the room. | 14:27:05 |
10 Nov 2023 |
| globin joined the room. | 00:53:53 |
| Kacper Wyczawski changed their display name from sernik to Kacper Wyczawski. | 10:27:36 |
| connor (he/him) (UTC-5) changed their display name from connor (he/him) (UTC-4) to connor (he/him) (UTC-5). | 12:33:45 |
11 Nov 2023 |
| PicNoir (was Ninjatrappeur) left the room. | 08:08:16 |
13 Nov 2023 |
| Winny joined the room. | 07:44:44 |
14 Nov 2023 |
| littlejohn (jcray) changed their display name from littlejohn to littlejohn (jcray). | 00:59:55 |
| littlejohn (jcray) changed their profile picture. | 01:00:22 |
| littlejohn (jcray) changed their profile picture. | 01:00:30 |
| June changed their display name from Julian to June. | 02:20:54 |
| bzm3r left the room. | 09:36:39 |
| bzm3r joined the room. | 18:39:13 |
| Carl Hedgren joined the room. | 18:58:46 |
15 Nov 2023 |
| grahamc (he/him) left the room. | 16:16:06 |
| grahamc (he/him) joined the room. | 16:22:17 |
| grahamc (he/him)changed room power levels. | 16:22:18 |