4 Sep 2023 |
| Dr. Worm changed their display name from hive <gf edition> to hive hive ⬡. | 14:43:50 |
| dnr joined the room. | 22:34:48 |
| Dr. Worm changed their display name from hive hive ⬡ to hive ⬡. | 23:14:40 |
5 Sep 2023 |
| Grafcube changed their profile picture. | 14:15:56 |
| matrixbeit joined the room. | 15:34:11 |
| nyanbinary joined the room. | 17:23:27 |
6 Sep 2023 |
| Nemesis joined the room. | 09:59:46 |
| alxandr joined the room. | 20:56:42 |
7 Sep 2023 |
| Nemesis left the room. | 01:39:33 |
| Evgeny Budilovsky joined the room. | 06:35:58 |
| woobilicious joined the room. | 17:12:58 |
| Nemesis joined the room. | 22:32:29 |
8 Sep 2023 |
| vcunat joined the room. | 08:01:22 |
| nikstur joined the room. | 08:24:43 |
| Willi Butz joined the room. | 12:28:34 |
| cbrewster joined the room. | 14:07:24 |
10 Sep 2023 |
| Christian Theune joined the room. | 04:26:36 |
| __Sander__ joined the room. | 09:20:46 |
| juuso joined the room. | 17:32:53 |
11 Sep 2023 |
| Salar Rahmanian (softinio) joined the room. | 01:27:46 |
12 Sep 2023 |
| cifre joined the room. | 00:43:59 |
| Louis2747 joined the room. | 12:35:39 |
13 Sep 2023 |
| xfix (she/her) joined the room. | 06:09:09 |
| savanni joined the room. | 15:41:18 |
14 Sep 2023 |
| jlesquembre changed their display name from José Luis Lafuente to jlesquembre. | 10:36:42 |
| hexchen joined the room. | 17:16:58 |
| admin (Moderation Team) joined the room. | 17:34:35 |
| NixOS Moderation Botchanged room power levels. | 17:34:45 |
| 0xMRTT [envs.net] changed their display name from 0xMRTT to 0xMRTT (Old). | 20:59:45 |
| nat ✩彡 joined the room. | 22:47:34 |