

677 Members
Rooms for specific subsystems, architecture targets, and other projects. 207 Servers

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13 Jun 2023
@marcus_yallow:matrix.orgpomidor joined the room.13:15:02
@k900:0upti.meK900 changed their display name from K900 to K900 (Old).20:50:34
@federicodschonborn:matrix.orgFederico Damián Schonborn changed their profile picture.20:56:11
@k900:conduit.0upti.meK900 (deprecated) joined the room.21:42:07
14 Jun 2023
@raphi:tapesoftware.netraphi changed their display name from raphi (element unread channel fix when) to raphi.07:03:26
15 Jun 2023
@ulli:hrnz.li@ulli:hrnz.li set a profile picture.22:20:26
16 Jun 2023
@syphoxy:matrix.orgStalled Engine joined the room.23:18:21
20 Jun 2023
@0xmrtt:projectsegfau.lt@0xmrtt:projectsegfau.lt joined the room.06:47:06
@tioan:dunwyn.xyztioan joined the room.08:00:44
@vyls:matrix.org@vyls:matrix.org joined the room.10:17:51
@vyls:matrix.org@vyls:matrix.org changed their profile picture.10:38:46
22 Jun 2023
@h4636oh:matrix.org@h4636oh:matrix.org joined the room.02:46:23
@h4636oh:matrix.org@h4636oh:matrix.org left the room.03:43:42
24 Jun 2023
@etu:failar.nuElis 🌱 changed their profile picture.13:19:48
27 Jun 2023
@passion-fruit:matrix.orgFruity Passions joined the room.14:24:42
@redears:matrix.orgredears joined the room.17:36:42
28 Jun 2023
@zardian:matrix.org@zardian:matrix.org joined the room.06:32:30
@feamor:kde.orgfeamor joined the room.17:46:44
@lehmanator:gnulinux.club@lehmanator:gnulinux.club joined the room.19:22:57
29 Jun 2023
@kirillrdy:matrix.orgkirillrdy joined the room.08:50:42
@axolotl:the-apothecary.club@axolotl:the-apothecary.club joined the room.21:34:08
30 Jun 2023
@duanin2:duanin2.topDuanin2 joined the room.11:47:15
@ruby:isincredibly.gayruby changed their profile picture.14:02:32
@huantian:huantian.devhuantian joined the room.18:34:20
2 Jul 2023
@eliand:matrix.org@eliand:matrix.org joined the room.21:30:36
3 Jul 2023
@uri-canva:matrix.orgUri Baghin left the room.08:01:55
@m52957:matrix.orgNate joined the room.18:02:37
4 Jul 2023
@jlesquembre:matrix.orgjlesquembre joined the room.09:15:15
5 Jul 2023
@rimuru:gentoo.chat@rimuru:gentoo.chat changed their profile picture.14:17:39
@trexd:matrix.orgtrexd joined the room.15:11:38

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