

677 Members
Rooms for specific subsystems, architecture targets, and other projects. 207 Servers

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15 Sep 2023
@lgcl:lgcl.delgcl (they/them) joined the room.13:35:31
16 Sep 2023
@majiir:matrix.org@majiir:matrix.org joined the room.00:03:09
@koalalorenzo:matrix.org@koalalorenzo:matrix.org joined the room.09:24:58
@me:indeednotjames.comemily joined the room.12:38:22
@rossturk:matrix.orgrossturk joined the room.13:39:32
17 Sep 2023
@ac:kokol.chac joined the room.08:48:24
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk joined the room.10:23:03
@tq5rpg:matrix.orgtq5rpg joined the room.12:30:29
@0xmrtt:envs.net0xMRTT [envs.net] changed their display name from 0xMRTT (Old) to 0xMRTT [envs.net].16:59:36
18 Sep 2023
@shymega:one.ems.host@shymega:one.ems.host joined the room.20:03:48
19 Sep 2023
@honnip:matrix.orgHonnip joined the room.01:25:01
20 Sep 2023
@nbathum:matrix.orgnbathum changed their display name from nbathum (he or they) to nbathum.04:58:30
@nbathum:matrix.orgnbathum removed their profile picture.04:58:40
21 Sep 2023
@movefasta:matrix.orgmovefasta joined the room.11:10:37
@dedmunwalk:matrix.orgdedmunwalk joined the room.23:08:36
22 Sep 2023
@bradlugo:matrix.orgBrad Lugo joined the room.05:58:59
@k900:0upti.meK900 changed their profile picture.09:52:55
23 Sep 2023
@0xmrtt:projectsegfau.lt@0xmrtt:projectsegfau.lt removed their profile picture.12:34:40
@0xmrtt:projectsegfau.lt@0xmrtt:projectsegfau.lt removed their display name 0xMRTT.12:43:20
@0xmrtt:projectsegfau.lt@0xmrtt:projectsegfau.lt left the room.12:49:28
24 Sep 2023
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐 changed their profile picture.12:15:02
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐 12:15:12
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐 12:15:13
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐 12:15:13
26 Sep 2023
@me:indeednotjames.comemily changed their display name from Emily to emily.16:51:07
27 Sep 2023
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐 changed their display name from mib to mib 🥐.05:53:08
@lorenzleutgeb:matrix.orgLorenz Leutgeb joined the room.21:37:45
29 Sep 2023
@guanran928:mozilla.orgCharles He joined the room.15:21:03
@oh_yeah:matrix.orgoh_yeah joined the room.20:41:39
30 Sep 2023
@fwam:karp.lolfwam joined the room.12:44:46

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