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A simple, stateless NixOS deployment tool - https://github.com/zhaofengli/colmena87 Servers

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27 May 2022
error: attribute 'path' missing

       at /run/user/1000/.tmpsGzWiX:396:26:

          395|       else pkgs;
          396|     evalConfig = import (npkgs.path + "/nixos/lib/eval-config.nix");
             |                          ^
          397|     assertionModule = { config, ... }: {
(use '--show-trace' to show detailed location information)
@hexa:lossy.networkhexafails 8 lines down, progress 😄15:09:22
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa *
  # niv sources
  sources = import ../nix/sources.nix;

  defaultArch = "x86_64-linux";
  defaultPkgs = sources."nixos-22.05";

  lib = import (defaultPkgs + "/lib");

  machines = {
    "foo.example.com" = {
      system = "aarch64-linux";
    "bar.example.com" = {
      packages = source."nixos-21.11";

  mkMachine = hostName: { system ? defaultArch, packages ? defaultPkgs, tags ? [] }:
      imports = [
        (./machines + "/${hostName}")

      nixpkgs = {
        inherit system;
  meta = {
    nixpkgs = defaultPkgs;

    nodeNixpkgs = lib.mapAttrs
      (hostName: { packages? defaultPkgs, ... }: packages)
} // (lib.mapAttrs mkMachine machines)
@linus:schreibt.jetztLinux Hackermanok, uh, I don't know. That should have a path attr!?15:19:20
@linus:schreibt.jetztLinux HackermanOh wait15:19:31
@linus:schreibt.jetztLinux Hackermanthe same applies to nodeNixpkgs.15:19:36
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaoh, silly me.15:20:21
@hexa:lossy.networkhexayep, finally error messages that are reasonable15:21:39
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaoh yeah, the secrets migration is going to be great 😄15:29:15
@zhaofeng:zhaofeng.liZhaofeng Li
In reply to @blaggacao:matrix.org
In my opinion, maintaining legacy nix support in-tree is a bit of a stretch and reduces the ability to innovate. Maby there can be a 2-tree solution that is not 100% mutually compatible .
For swappable eval I'll think about it in a bit. However, support for normal Nix must be maintained in Colmena. It is flakes that is actually experimental.
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) There is a nice german word: "Deutungshoheit". 23:51:48
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)And that thing is shifting, and can't be contained by formalities.23:52:08
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)(w.r.t. flakes 🙃)23:52:17
28 May 2022
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) Zhaofeng Li: I hope this PR is comparatively uncontroversial: https://github.com/zhaofengli/colmena/pull/89 -- it's pure (hopefully) side-effect free refactoring. 00:05:04
30 May 2022
@whentze:matrix.orgWanja HentzeStable Nix support is good for people migrating from nixops/morph if nothing else09:19:15
@whentze:matrix.orgWanja Hentze if this was dropped, migration would mean those would have to switch deployment tool and move to flakes mode in one swoop, there is no smooth incremental path 09:20:20
@whentze:matrix.orgWanja HentzeEven if you're a flake maximalist, I think there is merit in this. Declaring the existing stable way "legacy", not providing a smooth upgrade path and burning bridges is not how you get everyone to adopt it, that's how you get IPv6 :P10:03:47
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) To clarify, I don't think somebody implied to drop classical nix support. The suggestion had been to untangle the code path for maintainability. The custom eval I posted quite clearly shows what that can mean. 14:19:54
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* To clarify, I don't think somebody implied to drop classical `nix` support. The suggestion had been to untangle the code path for maintainability. The custom eval I posted quite clearly shows what that can mean in practice.14:20:14
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao) I have the impression, that actually the untangling would be probably contained to src/nix/hive as the nix eval interface of colmena. 14:24:37
@blaggacao:matrix.orgDavid Arnold (blaggacao)* I have the impression, that actually the untangling would be contained to `src/nix/hive` as the `nix` eval interface of colmena.14:24:49
1 Jun 2022
@tiha889a:tu-dresden.deTim joined the room.13:17:26
3 Jun 2022
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rules joined the room.03:50:51
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_ruleshi, i was wondering if there were public examples of real colmena deployments anyone wanted to share. how do you handle the stuff that would ordinarily go in hardware-configuration.nix, i.e. usually partitioning?03:51:28
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesi've been doing research in preparation to write my own deployment tool which is designed for offline hosts03:52:16
@buckley310:matrix.orgBuckleyi put my partitions right in the normal configuration03:52:39
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesdo you specify them by ID still?03:52:50
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_rulesor just sda1 etc?03:52:55
@buckley310:matrix.orgBuckleyi generally use UUIDs unless i am reasonably sure the machine will only ever have one disk attached to it. eg, VMs03:53:26
@tpw_rules:matrix.orgtpw_ruleswhat do you do if you need to reformat the machine? just update the config's uuids?03:53:43

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