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19 Dec 2024
@erahhal:matrix.homefree.hosterahhal joined the room.01:25:53
20 Dec 2024
@erahhal:homefree.hosterahhal joined the room.04:53:29
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemu Okay so today after applying an update fingerprints were gone again but I didn't apply Magisk 10:40:34
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuI made sure to let it finish its update process10:40:43
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuI then flashed system again (presumably to the other slot) and only then it started working agian10:41:04
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemu* I then flashed system again (presumably to the other slot) and only then it started working again10:41:07
@oak:universumi.fioakMaybe you have eg. different vendor_a and vendor_b partitions?22:43:00
@oak:universumi.fioakIt's actually interesting that new versions of Android will bring those Virtual A/B partitions, where during update an incremental snapshot is first written to disk, then it tries to boot device from that, and if successful, then the snapshot is merged back to the main partition on background22:49:33
@oak:universumi.fioakWhat I don't get is why do they have to reimplement the stuff that already exists in LVM22:49:51
In reply to @oak:universumi.fi
Maybe you have eg. different vendor_a and vendor_b partitions?
How would I find out and how would I get into that state?
@oak:universumi.fioakIs it the Fairphone4?22:59:01
@oak:universumi.fioakBut if you have never manually flashed the firmware, then most likely the other slot has older version, I don't know how Fairphone4 works23:00:22
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr there was a page about that topic with LineageOS once, but it's supposed to be a non-issue nowadays 23:02:25
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr * there was a page about that topic with LineageOS once, but it's supposed to be a non-issue nowadays I don't know if it's still relevant 23:03:13
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr some clues here https://github.com/mobile-nixos/mobile-nixos/issues/714 23:03:15
@oak:universumi.fioakI don't recall anymore where I read about it, but it was known advice for example for OnePlus 8 Pro which has these A/B slots, that you need to flash the firmware to both slots, otherwise it will start to use older version from other slot on LineageOS updates23:03:21
@oak:universumi.fioakhttps://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/instantnoodlep/fw_update/ For example for OnePlus 8 Pro here it advices to flash all slots23:03:45
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldrmight have been from Mobile NixOS docs :) or just LineageOS23:03:57
@oak:universumi.fioakI even remember there was that copy-partitions.zip you could sideload and that would just copy the partitions inside the phone23:04:52
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuI don't think I ever flashed any sort of firmare23:05:23
* @samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr wonders if there's federation lag between oak and I 23:05:48
* @samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr * wonders if there's federation lag between oak and himself 23:05:52
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuI know that was a thing on my cheeseburger where you had to flash modem firmware but no such thing with the fairphone23:06:18
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuI'd assumed it's all contained in the system partition23:06:36
@samueldr:matrix.orgsamueldr it really depends, and no, nowadays it's kinda expected to be within the many vendor packages 23:07:07
@oak:universumi.fioakThe newer the phone, the more there are smaller individual firmware binaries that need to be put into right places23:08:46
21 Dec 2024
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuFor some reason my Backup doesn't work for launcher3 with Android 14 anymore and I have no idea why07:59:43
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemu I can delete its data/ files just fine and that causes it to reset but if I restore my backup's data/, it doesn't restore my home screen 08:00:25
@atemu12:matrix.orgAtemuWhere else could it be hiding state?08:11:37

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