16 Nov 2024 |
oak | https://github.com/nix-community/robotnix/pull/256 Got the signing fixed also, didn't try to flash this build yet into phone | 07:17:42 |
oak | Also the android-key-tools is broken because fatal error: openssl/rsa.h: No such file or directory | 07:19:19 |
oak | https://github.com/nix-community/robotnix/pull/257 Fixed that even, now it is time to sleep | 07:30:47 |
Atemu | Thanks a bunch! I'll hopefully take a look soon | 09:33:33 |
oak | Now on the go, and I noticed GMail app won't open any emails anymore :D | 21:20:23 |
oak | Okay the reason is the missing webview, I installed Android System Webview from the Play Store and now it works | 21:25:21 |
Atemu | Wait what, that's an option? | 23:49:24 |
Atemu | Does it show up as a system app? Is it listed in the webviev selector dev setting? | 23:50:09 |
17 Nov 2024 |
samueldr | urgh, can't seem to find info quickly about that | 19:03:36 |
samueldr | but IIRC yes it was done at some point to make it possible for the system webview to be updated | 19:03:58 |
samueldr | not at all what I had in mind, but provides hints https://www.xda-developers.com/google-chrome-no-longer-webview-provider-android-10/ | 19:05:28 |
samueldr | some other notes https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/HEAD/android_webview/docs/channels.md | 19:06:35 |
samueldr | https://github.com/search?q=org%3ALineageOS%20%2Fcom.google.android.webview%2F&type=code | 19:08:15 |
samueldr | and then I suppose form the context that these are signed webviews that can act as system apps https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_lineage/blob/lineage-21.0/overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml | 19:10:37 |
samueldr | the commit history is short, and more context here https://github.com/LineageOS/android_vendor_lineage/commits/lineage-21.0/overlay/common/frameworks/base/core/res/res/xml/config_webview_packages.xml | 19:15:00 |
18 Nov 2024 |
Atemu | We should allow commen FOSS webviews by default, then users can simply install those manually | 04:51:13 |
samueldr | .oO* android_vendor_robotnix when?) | 05:17:13 |
samueldr | * .oO( android_vendor_robotnix when?) | 05:17:17 |
samueldr | * .oO( android_vendor_robotnix when? ) | 05:17:20 |
Atemu | Haha | 05:17:29 |
Atemu | But I think we already do that | 05:17:39 |
Atemu | We have custom apps, webviews and such | 05:18:16 |
19 Nov 2024 |
oak | I now upgraded my phone to have LineageOS 20.0 and made yet-an-other PR https://github.com/nix-community/robotnix/pull/258
Phone seems to be running fine on LineageOS 20, the only noticeable difference is that now instead of 10 seconds the phone boot seems to take around 1 minute | 05:31:25 |
oak | I added instantnoodlep to the supported devices because in the other PR it was commented it would bring more comfort :) | 05:31:58 |
Atemu | Cool, thanks :) | 05:32:19 |
oak | I don't know how the boot time could be improved, maybe it didn't apply the usual optimizations it does when doing OTA update (which take long time). Maybe doing first OTA update fixes it | 05:34:17 |
Atemu | Well, try a reboot and see whether it's still as bad | 05:34:38 |
oak | Already tried couple of times | 05:34:55 |
Atemu | And it's reproducible? | 05:35:04 |
Atemu | Hm | 05:35:09 |