
Nix: Cloud Native

174 Members
44 Servers

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30 Dec 2023
@raitobezarius:matrix.orgraitobezarius changed their display name from raitobezarius (DECT 2128) to raitobezarius.19:53:05
@mtheil:scs.ems.hostMarkus Theil changed their display name from Markus Theil (DECT 5139, SIP 8492) to Markus Theil.21:34:24
2 Jan 2024
@1h0:matrix.org@1h0:matrix.org joined the room.11:33:35
3 Jan 2024
@shawn8901:matrix.org@shawn8901:matrix.org joined the room.12:10:07
@shawn8901:matrix.org@shawn8901:matrix.org left the room.12:10:14
7 Jan 2024
@hacker1024:matrix.orghacker1024 joined the room.23:55:44
8 Jan 2024
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3) changed their display name from SomeoneSerge (UTC+2) to SomeoneSerge (hash-versioned python modules when).04:50:07
27 Jan 2024
@lehmanator:gnulinux.club@lehmanator:gnulinux.club removed their profile picture.16:58:14
@lehmanator:gnulinux.club@lehmanator:gnulinux.club removed their display name Sam Lehman.17:01:58
@lehmanator:gnulinux.club@lehmanator:gnulinux.club left the room.17:06:21
29 Jan 2024
@jarrrkob:matrix.orgjarrrkob joined the room.15:12:11
30 Jan 2024
@tinwood:matrix.org@tinwood:matrix.org changed their display name from tinwood to Alex K (tinwood).15:26:57
@erremilia:matrix.org@erremilia:matrix.org left the room.19:55:17
31 Jan 2024
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org changed their profile picture.03:36:28
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org changed their profile picture.06:22:06
@xxxcrow:matrix.orgn3v3r_a9a1n joined the room.18:39:21
@xxxcrow:matrix.orgn3v3r_a9a1nWow, this place is thriving18:40:29
@xxxcrow:matrix.orgn3v3r_a9a1n Space date 3772, our ship is drifting in the void
Trying to deploy with nixos-everywhere and disko to a fresh iso on a $5 vultr machine
@xxxcrow:matrix.orgn3v3r_a9a1nI'm pretty sure something is wrong with the partitioning, I get after the deploy on the boot screen 18:45:06
@xxxcrow:matrix.orgn3v3r_a9a1n* Space date 3772, our ship is drifting in the void Trying to deploy with nixos-anywhere and disko to a fresh iso on a $5 vultr machine18:49:39
3 Feb 2024
@tanja-6584:matrix.orgTanja (Old; I'm now @tanja:catgirl.cloud) joined the room.02:50:45
5 Feb 2024
@bbenno:matrix.orgbbenno joined the room.13:07:26
6 Feb 2024
@msanft:matrix.org@msanft:matrix.org set a profile picture.17:18:02
7 Feb 2024
@hydridity:matrix.orghydridity joined the room.21:42:47
@risson:lama-corp.spacerisson changed their profile picture.22:46:52
11 Feb 2024
@navi:tchncs.de@navi:tchncs.de joined the room.18:32:46
@navi:tchncs.de@navi:tchncs.de left the room.22:39:08
25 Feb 2024
@olafkfreund:matrix.orgOlaf Krasicki-Freund joined the room.22:43:15
2 Mar 2024
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy joined the room.11:38:48
@stablejoy:matrix.orgstablejoy set a profile picture.11:44:18

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