
Nix: Cloud Native

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4 Sep 2023
@roberthensing:matrix.orgRobert Hensing (roberth) changed their display name from Robert Hensing (roberth) to roberth.15:27:38
@roberthensing:matrix.orgRobert Hensing (roberth) changed their display name from roberth to Robert Hensing (roberth).15:28:24
7 Sep 2023
@ashebanow:matrix.orgAndrew Shebanow joined the room.20:40:24
9 Sep 2023
@msanft:matrix.org@msanft:matrix.org joined the room.12:13:22
10 Sep 2023
@edgarlee:matrix.orgEdgar Lee joined the room.07:09:55
@r_i_s:matrix.orgris_ today's discovery - you need to add cni-podman0 to networking.firewall.trustedInterfaces if you want to be able to use host.containers.internal from a podman container 17:53:26
21 Sep 2023
@spolakh:matrix.orgspolakh joined the room.03:25:46
@dedmunwalk:matrix.orgdedmunwalk joined the room.23:05:18
22 Sep 2023
@ggpeti:bassin.clubggpeti joined the room.07:40:25
23 Sep 2023
@snuupy:matrix.orgSnuupy joined the room.10:17:43
24 Sep 2023
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐 joined the room.12:20:48
25 Sep 2023
@bertof:matrix.orgbertof joined the room.10:43:15
27 Sep 2023
@mib:kanp.aimib 🥐 changed their display name from mib to mib 🥐.05:53:08
@fack:cyberia.club@fack:cyberia.club joined the room.22:34:59
29 Sep 2023
@lotte:chir.rs@lotte:chir.rs changed their profile picture.17:13:34
@bobymcbobs:matrix.orgcalebwoodbine joined the room.20:09:28
@bobymcbobs:matrix.orgcalebwoodbine changed their display name from bobymcbobs to calebwoodbine.20:16:27
30 Sep 2023
@snaki:kescher.at@snaki:kescher.at changed their profile picture.09:56:45
@ruthcomputes:matrix.orgruthcomputes joined the room.20:58:09
1 Oct 2023
@rwx-rwx-rwx:matrix.orgMikael Fangel joined the room.09:33:48
3 Oct 2023
@ultra:beeper.comAlex S joined the room.15:45:55
@ultra:beeper.comAlex SHi, cloud-native basically means you run stuff in containers instead of the host, right?15:48:01
@ultra:beeper.comAlex S If so, is there a tool that quickly spins up an ephemeral container with some packages, like nix run in a container? 15:48:36
@cafkafk:gitter.imcafkafk joined the room.16:22:50
In reply to @ultra:beeper.com
If so, is there a tool that quickly spins up an ephemeral container with some packages, like nix run in a container?
there's nixos-shell which uses qemu https://github.com/Mic92/nixos-shell
@uep:matrix.orguep there's also the imperative mode of nixos-container 20:55:51
4 Oct 2023
In reply to @ultra:beeper.com
Hi, cloud-native basically means you run stuff in containers instead of the host, right?
What is cloud. What is native. What is container. Things I ponder about daily
@arianvp:matrix.orgArianBut check out microvm.nix and nixos-container :)03:34:20
In reply to @arianvp:matrix.org
What is cloud. What is native. What is container. Things I ponder about daily

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