
Nix: Cloud Native

174 Members
44 Servers

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11 Mar 2023
@luntx:matrix.org@luntx:matrix.org changed their display name from luntx to Solmus_.20:50:01
12 Mar 2023
@mtheil:scs.ems.hostMarkus Theil joined the room.19:18:46
14 Mar 2023
@butterchicken:hive-mind.networkbutterchicken joined the room.23:00:37
17 Mar 2023
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk left the room.13:09:22
@redstone-menace:matrix.orgRedstone joined the room.15:41:07
21 Mar 2023
@xinliang:matrix.orgXinliang Liu joined the room.10:17:19
23 Mar 2023
@luntx:matrix.org@luntx:matrix.org left the room.19:12:02
24 Mar 2023
@htran:matrix.orghtran joined the room.02:20:13
@selfuryon:matrix.orgselfuryon joined the room.21:00:08
@selfuryon:matrix.orgselfuryon set a profile picture.21:09:39
25 Mar 2023
@lihram:jnh.ems.host@lihram:jnh.ems.host left the room.09:02:23
@valconius:matrix.org@valconius:matrix.org joined the room.23:43:37
2 Apr 2023
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3) joined the room.00:15:36
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3) This is awesome, I was just looking up if anyone has done the same thing to singularity-tools.buildImage 00:20:10
7 Apr 2023
@aaronmondal:matrix.orgAaron Siddhartha Mondal joined the room.03:52:21
11 Apr 2023
@sarcasticadmin:matrix.orgsarcasticadmin set a profile picture.15:32:43
12 Apr 2023
@jnsgruk:jupiterbroadcasting.comjnsgruk joined the room.12:56:59
16 Apr 2023
@ianluo001:matrix.orgian luo joined the room.02:27:39
20 Apr 2023
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org changed their display name from Federico Damián Schonborn to Federico Schonborn.01:02:26
1 May 2023
@oddlama:matrix.orgoddlama joined the room.16:17:17
2 May 2023
@kourtni:matrix.orgKourtni joined the room.17:47:08
7 May 2023
@lotte:chir.rs@lotte:chir.rs joined the room.07:42:44
8 May 2023
@lotte:chir.rs@lotte:chir.rs changed their profile picture.07:11:50
12 May 2023
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org changed their profile picture.00:58:45
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org changed their profile picture.19:34:36
@federicodschonborn:matrix.org@federicodschonborn:matrix.org changed their display name from Federico Schonborn to Federico Damián Schonborn.19:35:19
@kourtni:matrix.orgKourtni changed their display name from Kourtni Marshall to Kourtni.20:05:35
18 May 2023
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org joined the room.14:03:16
@yuu:matrix.org@yuu:matrix.org left the room.14:17:18
23 May 2023
@ss:someonex.netSomeoneSerge (utc+3) changed their display name from Someone S to Someone (hates setup hooks).09:58:38

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