20 Nov 2021 |
| nykw joined the room. | 11:09:00 |
23 Nov 2021 |
| Server Stats Discoverer (traveler bot) left the room. | 03:24:10 |
| felschr joined the room. | 16:31:35 |
8 Dec 2021 |
| Robert Hensing (roberth) changed their profile picture. | 17:40:50 |
27 Dec 2021 |
| pie_ joined the room. | 06:45:00 |
10 Jan 2022 |
| Corbin joined the room. | 02:59:21 |
12 Jan 2022 |
| Jonas Chevalier changed their display name from Jonas Chevalier to Jonas Chevalier (zimbatm). | 09:39:11 |
| Jonas Chevalier changed their display name from Jonas Chevalier (zimbatm) to zimbatm. | 09:45:49 |
13 Jan 2022 |
| NixOS Moderation Bot unbanned David Arnold (blaggacao). | 18:43:40 |
15 Jan 2022 |
| raitobezarius joined the room. | 15:37:52 |
Corbin | What's the current way that folks manage k8s resources? Is it still https://github.com/xtruder/kubenix ? | 21:55:45 |
16 Jan 2022 |
Arian | I nix-build a toJSON string that interpolates a buildContainerImage | 08:30:28 |
Arian | Not that advanced but does the job | 08:30:58 |
Mic92 (Old) | I am still using kustomize. | 10:12:08 |
20 Jan 2022 |
| andi- left the room. | 00:11:58 |
29 Jan 2022 |
Corbin | Smaller Prometheus: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/157209 | 00:03:23 |
hexa | cool! | 01:19:28 |
Corbin | It seems that kubeless is dead. What are folks using for serverless plugins? Is knative still large? | 23:45:55 |
Arian | Knative is what powers Cloud run so it will probably not go away | 23:57:35 |
30 Jan 2022 |
Corbin | Oh, large in terms of footprint, not user community. | 00:26:20 |
Arian | aah | 13:31:31 |
Arian | yeh it's not... light | 13:31:34 |
Arian | as it builds on top of istio and all... which is already a massive abstraction sinkhole | 13:31:46 |
Arian | Though I think these days you can run it without istio | 13:32:31 |
3 Feb 2022 |
| lewo joined the room. | 21:44:43 |
7 Feb 2022 |
Corbin | Ugh. I think I can't avoid setting up an internal container registry. I'm on k3s. I found a tutorial (https://llimon.github.io/post/k3s-registry/) but is there a recommended way to do this? | 01:19:13 |
9 Feb 2022 |
Corbin | I ended up deploying a Helm chart: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/twuni/docker-registry I wonder whether it would be worthwhile to have k3s automatically set up some extra Helm charts when it's configured as a service. | 02:11:38 |
10 Feb 2022 |
asymmetric | so how do i stream a docker image built with streamLayeredImage to something like skopeo? | 11:53:01 |
asymmetric | i tried $(nix build .#container) | gzip --fast but it seems like the new nix command doesn't stream the image to stdout | 11:54:36 |
lewo | asymmetric: I also tried to stream an streamLayeredImage image to Skopeo but I didn't succeed (it however worked with | docker load ). Note I didn't try to figure out what's going on! | 16:37:31 |