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10 Feb 2022

BTW, with nix2container, you could easily stream an image to Skopeo ;)

nix run github:nlewo/nix2container#examples.bash.copyTo SKOPEO-DEST-TRANSPORT
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetric ./result | gzip --fast | skopeo inspect docker-archive:/dev/stdin 16:47:09
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetricthis seems to work16:47:17
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetric you could do $(nix build .#foo) | ... 16:47:30
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetricunless you're using fish 😠16:47:44
In reply to @asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk
you could do $(nix build .#foo) | ...
no this does not work
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetric nix build --no-link --json .#container | $(jq -r .[0].outputs.out) | gzip --fast | skopeo inspect docker-archive:/dev/stdin 16:49:16
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.ukasymmetric^ this does16:49:20
12 Feb 2022
@colemickens:matrix.orgcolemickens(random drive by account but I did use virtiofsd to share a dir into qemu and it worked, not sure if virtiofsd+kata is a harder scenario for some reason)23:18:22
14 Feb 2022
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)Does docker also support zstd compression instead of gzip? That should make nix2container even faster06:06:37
@lewo:matrix.orglewo Mic92: yep, it does! 08:00:35
@lewo:matrix.orglewo Mic92: Regarding the CI, do you know if it would be possible to run Docker container from a github action? 08:31:58
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)
In reply to @lewo:matrix.org
Mic92: Regarding the CI, do you know if it would be possible to run Docker container from a github action?
Yes. this is a feature.
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)I don't have a concrete example to point you to, but I have seen this08:32:34
@lewo:matrix.orglewoI meant, building all example and running them from a Github action.08:32:46
@lewo:matrix.orglewo * I meant, building all examples and running them from a Github action.08:32:52
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)I think there was a docker daemon running as well?08:33:10
@lewo:matrix.orglewoI don't have any idea since i rarely use github actions08:33:43
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)You can also push containers to github's registry and than pull them in the next step08:33:46
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old) zimbatm: might know this. 08:34:02
@lewo:matrix.orglewo Mic92: yep, that would actually be possible 08:34:09
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)But maybe do some research. I think there are tons of example easily available.08:34:32
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)It's a quite common use case08:34:42
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)I recently also added podman as an unprivileged services in one ci system. 08:36:10
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)I needed it for docker-compose08:36:17
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)There are also nix-shell envs available for this08:36:27
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)This would be nice for local testing as well08:36:34
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old) * I recently also added podman as an unprivileged service in one ci system.08:36:56
@mic92:nixos.devMic92 (Old)https://gist.github.com/adisbladis/187204cb772800489ee3dac4acdd9947 08:37:31

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