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lxc, lxd, incus discussions related to NixOS14 Servers

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17 Aug 2024
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensyeah i just removed it yesterday12:43:02
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensi think it'll roll off after a few days12:43:36
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensugh, i made the incus image squashfs but that builder puts the file directly in the store without an $out dir12:45:09
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensreviews appreciated :)13:07:56
@aurbrunet:matrix.orgaurbrunet joined the room.21:54:58
31 Aug 2024
@galaxyyy:matrix.orgSaturn joined the room.19:43:11
6 Sep 2024
@galaxyyy:matrix.orgSaturnIs there anything for Incus on NixOS for declarative containers, VMs, and possibly even declarative NixOS-based containers? I am currently using NixOS Containers (systemd-nspawn) for a lot of things, but it is really lacking in a lot of areas, and I have recently been exploring Incus, and I am really liking it over all, so I am just curious if it has the potential to replace my current setup.03:37:26
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens I use terraform to declare instances, which I then treat as standalone nixos installs 03:41:51
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens It’s not my favorite but with terranix can be somewhat integrated into a nix repo. Otherwise no there’s nothing nix specific out there I know of  03:45:35
@galaxyyy:matrix.orgSaturnHmm. I honestly have no experience with terraform03:45:44
In reply to @adam:robins.wtf
I use terraform to declare instances, which I then treat as standalone nixos installs
How does this process work? Are you able to provide some more details?
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens https://registry.terraform.io/providers/lxc/incus/latest/docs 03:48:03
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens Add those resources to a terraform config. Though if you don’t know terraform you’ll need to work through learning that part. Plenty of resources including official docs can hopefully get you started  03:49:03
In reply to @adam:robins.wtf
I use terraform to declare instances, which I then treat as standalone nixos installs

which I then treat as standalone nixos installs
My main thing with this is since my nix repo is private it'd be a bit annoying to clone it into each container, and also managing secrets.

In reply to @adam:robins.wtf
I use terraform to declare instances, which I then treat as standalone nixos installs

which I then treat as standalone nixos installs
My main thing with this is since my nix repo is private it'd be a bit annoying to clone it into each container, and also managing secrets.

@galaxyyy:matrix.orgSaturn *

which I then treat as standalone nixos installs

My main thing with this is since my nix repo is private it'd be a bit annoying to clone it into each container, and also managing secrets.

@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensyou can push configs, even with nixos-rebuild --target-host03:54:28
@galaxyyy:matrix.orgSaturnRight just remembered that03:54:43
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensthere are other deployment tools03:54:51
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensmost in fact are push based03:55:01
@galaxyyy:matrix.orgSaturnYeah I suppose it wouldn't be to terrible to manage03:55:14
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensi've never used nixos containers personally. so i really don't have any comparison03:55:59
@galaxyyy:matrix.orgSaturnI did come across this project recently: https://github.com/bketelsen/incus-compose I wonder if this projects get more stable we could make use of it in Nix to generate "incus-compose" and deploy it03:57:14
In reply to @adam:robins.wtf
i've never used nixos containers personally. so i really don't have any comparison
I've been using it for just about all of my stuff and it is a huge pain sometimes
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensincus-compose looks interesting, and generating yaml is no problem :)03:59:23
In reply to @adam:robins.wtf
incus-compose looks interesting, and generating yaml is no problem :)
Yep that's what I figured. If it get's stable enough I may attempt to create something to define incus-compose in Nix and have them be deployed
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensbringing things up is always pretty easy. it's the tear down and ensuring no drift that's harder04:00:30
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensi have a semi-cursed module to auto apply terraform code from nix, but i haven't been daring enough to use it for the incus instances :)04:01:20

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