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28 Mar 2024
@hexa:lossy.networkhexafeel free to prototype something and migrate it into nix-community16:55:39
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephenscool. i need to play with the tool first16:56:02
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaI can help get it running on the nixos infra then16:56:12
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensif it has to work with whole images, i'd probably consider making it a local service for users to install16:57:06
─❯ incus-simplestreams add /nix/store/q67np57dgd8dg8fi2d425raqw9gkcc22-tarball/tarball/nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz /nix/store/cwsxnmgkv45qyyyq37gkk71c8527b1zn-nixos-disk-image/nixos.qcow2
Error: chown images/c35a1d665991475fe5e8947a355272e7cd144db6b7290cb3812a1e14912ec3d7.incus.tar.xz: operation not permitted
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensmay just be easier to generate the simplestreams format ourselves17:20:54
@hexa:lossy.networkhexahm, what does it do? copy with permissions?17:21:29
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * hm, what does it do? copy with permissions in tact?17:21:32
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaor does it try to create metadata in the nix store?17:22:09
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * or does it try to create stuff in the nix store?17:22:19
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensthe former17:25:34
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens* closer to the former17:25:49
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathat code is so very much go17:29:34
@hexa:lossy.networkhexato copy a file, open two file descriptors, and then copy between them17:29:49
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensindeed. the idiom is to make do with the standard library, which is spartan.17:30:23
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensand 3x the lines for every error check17:30:42
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephenson the plus side, properly passed errors are easy to trace :)17:32:15
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaso, I'm a bit surprised that you call os.Create(dest) and then don't own the resulting file17:32:42
@hexa:lossy.networkhexabecausing chowning to foreign uid is only possible as root iirc17:33:03
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensi wouldn't have called this one properly passed, since no context was added to where it came from17:33:04
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensthis filesystem util is probably mostly used by the server17:33:28
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensideally i don't want it to copy the file at all17:33:44
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens even just trying to generate-metadata wants a write handle on the file 17:35:04
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensbecause this is just a wizard to manually create a metadata tarball17:36:02
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensthis whole thing is still sus17:37:36

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