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lxc, lxd, incus discussions related to NixOS14 Servers

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22 Mar 2024
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens How can we improve the out of box experience for image users, without necessarily bundling the channels? 22:13:53
23 Mar 2024
@mkg20001:mkg20001.iomkg20001task that runs on first boot that tries to fetch them?18:46:38
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens I wonder if systemd first boot runs  19:21:28
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens Maybe not since it runs quite early  19:29:56
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens There’s `ConditionFirstBoot` though  19:30:55
24 Mar 2024
@mkg20001:mkg20001.iomkg20001alternativly you could use condition if path exists and check if /nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels exists15:18:29
@mkg20001:mkg20001.iomkg20001and if not download channels. (and make that part of the initial image configuration but not further rebuilds as it will become problematic when the user tries to remove channels entierly)15:19:05
@mkg20001:mkg20001.iomkg20001I'm not sure if ConditionFirstBoot exists as I've seen some code in the activation script where they fake the firtboot state so systemd doesn't try to populate etc15:20:26
@mkg20001:mkg20001.iomkg20001here: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/nixos/modules/system/boot/stage-2-init.sh#L13315:22:55
28 Mar 2024
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensi've been thinking about this https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/incus-0-7-has-been-released/19485#image-server-management-tool-416:38:05
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensi feel like we could use this to generate an imageserver of nixos builds16:39:15
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensi can't quite put my finger on the integration to make it work though16:40:07
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensif we record the simple streams hash in the release, then maybe a small http service that figures out all the hydra builds and maps to images?16:48:08
@hexa:lossy.networkhexayou mean provide an image server via our general release pipeline?16:49:45
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens imagine being able to run incus launch nixos:unstable/<some hash or date> 16:50:02
In reply to@hexa:lossy.network
you mean provide an image server via our general release pipeline?
i'm not sure if the release pipeline needs to run the actual server, but use it to provide the necessary data that it could be assembled
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensthough if we want to run an image server on nixos infra, that's cool too :)16:51:35
@hexa:lossy.networkhexawhat kind of resources woudl that need?16:54:02
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * what kind of resources would that need?16:54:12
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensideally we could redirect from this service to the image file itself16:54:29
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaok, cool.16:54:41
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensso it should be very lightweight, and preferably stateless.16:55:03
@hexa:lossy.networkhexafeel free to prototype something and migrate it into nix-community16:55:39
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephenscool. i need to play with the tool first16:56:02
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaI can help get it running on the nixos infra then16:56:12
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensif it has to work with whole images, i'd probably consider making it a local service for users to install16:57:06
─❯ incus-simplestreams add /nix/store/q67np57dgd8dg8fi2d425raqw9gkcc22-tarball/tarball/nixos-system-x86_64-linux.tar.xz /nix/store/cwsxnmgkv45qyyyq37gkk71c8527b1zn-nixos-disk-image/nixos.qcow2
Error: chown images/c35a1d665991475fe5e8947a355272e7cd144db6b7290cb3812a1e14912ec3d7.incus.tar.xz: operation not permitted
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephensmay just be easier to generate the simplestreams format ourselves17:20:54
@hexa:lossy.networkhexahm, what does it do? copy with permissions?17:21:29

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