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lxc, lxd, incus discussions related to NixOS14 Servers

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8 Feb 2024
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens I normally just `imports = [ (modulesPath + "/virtualisation/lxc-container.nix") ];` on the host  01:21:47
@aanderse:nixos.devaandersei thought so... hmmm01:22:33
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens It may be possible to turn this into a regularly imported nixos module. I’ve never investigated doing so though   01:23:16
@aanderse:nixos.devaandersethat wouldn't be trivial unfortunately... because lxc-container.nix imports things too 01:24:03
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens It looks like a handful of the virtualization modules are  01:24:06
@aanderse:nixos.devaandersebut i *really* want to mark a container using `config` hmmm01:24:41
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens We could duplicate the common config into the container/vm modules. It’s not that extensive    01:25:23
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderseyeah? i would really love that01:26:05
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderseI'm not sure what the precedent for module vs import is anyone know?01:27:17
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderseI'm trying to think of more examples of module vs import01:28:29
@aanderse:nixos.devaandersei can't at the moment, though I'm sure there are a number01:28:44
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens I’m not sure what the impact to releases is. mkg20001initially created the lxc-container file it seems :)  01:29:09
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderse ah they would have something useful to say I'm sure ping mkg20001 ... whenever you have a chance to comment i would greatly appreciate it, specifically why lxc-container.nix is a file to be imported rather than a nixos module 01:30:57
@mkg20001:mkg20001.iomkg20001the import idea came from qemu doing something similar01:33:35
@mkg20001:mkg20001.iomkg20001there's no real reason why it's not just virtualisation.lxc.container-guest.enable = true; or similar01:33:57
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderseah so it was precedent based thank you for the information!01:34:22
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderseok so if i were to turn lxc-container.nix into a module i have everyone's support?01:35:19
@mkg20001:mkg20001.iomkg20001yes. we can make the file a stub that issues a warning and sets the required options01:35:51
@aanderse:nixos.devaandersegreat thanks everyone01:36:38
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens Yes I’m on board. I don’t love the UX of requiring an import from modulesPath  01:36:48
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderseyeah, it is a little bit jarring compared to the rest of the system01:37:47
@adam:robins.wtfadamcstephens As mkg mentioned, it’s a common pattern for these profiles, but that doesn’t mean it needs to stay that way  01:38:54
@aanderse:nixos.devaanderseyeah, good point01:39:08

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