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age-encrypted secrets for NixOS https://github.com/ryantm/agenix/81 Servers

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20 Sep 2024
@madonius:entropia.de/madonius[er|he]Cheers, how would you go about encrypting a binary file with agenix?19:45:54
In reply to @madonius:entropia.de
Cheers, how would you go about encrypting a binary file with agenix?
cat mywallpaper.jpg | agenix -e somefile.age
22 Sep 2024
@rane:junkyard.systemsrane [they/them] joined the room.09:51:31
@rayne:spooky.computer@rayne:spooky.computer left the room.10:24:46
23 Sep 2024
@elikoga:matrix.orgelikoga joined the room.15:30:12
26 Sep 2024
@fabianhjr:matrix.orgFabián Heredia set a profile picture.01:16:08
27 Sep 2024
@elikoga:matrix.orgelikoga set a profile picture.16:27:22
1 Oct 2024
@-_o:matrix.org-_o joined the room.21:02:32
4 Oct 2024
@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes) https://github.com/ryantm/agenix/pull/255 21:59:42
@kranzes:matrix.orgIlan Joselevich (Kranzes)Can we get this merged?21:59:48
@dminca:matrix.org@dminca:matrix.org left the room.22:09:45
5 Oct 2024
@martijn:id.plebian.nlmartijnHey there, does someone have a working git submodule for secrets? I'm trying to have my secrets in a private Github repository but with flakes the directory in the store doesn't include the submodule10:13:54
@martijn:id.plebian.nlmartijn So it'll complain about not finding /secrets in /nix/store/{hash}-source. I've tried using sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake '.?submodules=1#host' but it gives the same error 10:17:58
7 Oct 2024
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org removed their profile picture.00:05:37
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org removed their display name memegames99.00:05:48
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org left the room.00:06:04
@lehmanator:tchncs.deSam Lehman changed their profile picture.14:24:17
8 Oct 2024
@reese:cyberia.club@reese:cyberia.club left the room.00:38:37
9 Oct 2024
@john:friendsgiv.ingjohn joined the room.01:20:36
10 Oct 2024
@p4cmanus3r:matrix.orgp4cmanus3r joined the room.13:25:03
13 Oct 2024
@martijn:id.plebian.nlmartijn changed their profile picture.11:24:04
@martijn:id.plebian.nlmartijn changed their profile picture.11:24:20
15 Oct 2024
@pyrox:pyrox.devdish [Fox/It/She] changed their display name from Pyrox [ It/She/They/Xem ] to dish [Fox/It/She].03:20:53
17 Oct 2024
@goodlander:matrix.orggoodlanderSo if I'm deploying on a new machine, can I seed that machine with a host key before even installing? How do people handle this?16:40:15
19 Oct 2024
@uep:matrix.orguep How are you installing? SSH host keys are generated on server start if they don't already exist, so you can just generate one first. Say, in the /mnt/etc/ssh directory after you've prepared filesystems, before running nixos-install. 23:03:38
@uep:matrix.orguep * How are you installing? SSH host keys are generated on server start if they don't already exist, so you can just generate one first. Say, in the /mnt/etc/ssh directory after you've prepared filesystems, before running nixos-install, from the installer live-cd/usb boot 23:04:01
@uep:matrix.orguepOr you can generate it elsewhere even earlier, but I don't really recommend that because you have to handle the secret, rather than just generate it on the host where it belongs as private state23:06:12
21 Oct 2024
@goodlander:matrix.orggoodlanderI'm open to an opinionated setup that makes things easier but for my first time spreading my flake to a second host I just connected the nvme drive to my nixos laptop with a usb controller. I thought I could partition the drive, setup luks, setup btrfs and swap, generate the config, generate a new host key in /etc/ssh, parse for the correct public key and uuid info and then nixos-install --flake /path/to/flake#host20:54:52
@goodlander:matrix.orggoodlanderI ended up generating the config and doing a basic install though and then rebuilding to my flake once the drive was in the new machine20:55:54
@goodlander:matrix.orggoodlanderwould love to be able to get the one step install going though20:56:54

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