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age-encrypted secrets for NixOS https://github.com/ryantm/agenix/81 Servers

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13 Sep 2024
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmDepends on your threat model.14:49:27
14 Sep 2024
@mahmoudk1000:matrix.orgMahmoud changed their profile picture.11:30:48
15 Sep 2024
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhb Surely I'll not be the first one to do this. I have an existing setup of gpg keys, that I have backed up various places. I would like to use my gpg keys w/ agenix, in case I loose my ssh key. So, my thinking is to generate a age key, encrypt that with my gpg key, and place inside the repo. So in case I fuck something up, I can always decrypt it, and get access to my secrets. Does this sound 100% idiotic? Am I missing something?10:42:49
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhb * Surely I'll not be the first one to do this. I have an existing setup of gpg keys, that I have backed up various places. I would like to use my gpg keys w/ agenix, in case I lose my ssh key. So, my thinking is to generate a age key, encrypt that with my gpg key, and place inside the repo. So in case I fuck something up, I can always decrypt it, and get access to my secrets. Does this sound 100% idiotic? Am I missing something?10:45:51
@k900:0upti.meK900 I don't think that sounds completely insane but also yuck 10:46:19
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhbPerfect, that's just what I was going for. 10:47:23
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhbI looked into using sops-nix, as I could use my gpg key there, but it feels very complex compared to what I need. agenix is just very very KISS in that regards. The only other thing I considered, was adding a age key to my yubikey, but then I would need to have N times age secrets to manage. 10:48:31
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhbBut granted, managing GPG keys is usually quite yuck.10:48:45
In reply to @ryantm:matrix.org
Yes, you can use nix to read a directory's contents and use that as your secrets.nix output.
I guess this would require you to touch the file first, maybe?
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhb Because you can't edit a file, which does not exists. Or rather, when you do agenix -e somefile.age, it will try to find the file in the secrets.nix file, and THEN IF it is in there, you can edit it. Otherwise you get a "attribute missing" error. 12:20:10
16 Sep 2024
@silentlurker:matrix.orgsilentlurker joined the room.19:56:14
17 Sep 2024
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them) joined the room.02:46:19
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them) hihihi, i am switching a ton of my stuff over to agenix. quick question though. How can I properly use a nix file as a secret. For instance. I have a wifi-passwords.nix, with declarations for each network and such. And I import it and such. But the thing is that I have to build my system, restart agenix. make sure the secret is there. and then uncomment the part referencing the secret. 02:47:53
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them) hihihi, i am switching a ton of my stuff over to agenix. quick question though. How can I properly use a nix file as a secret. For instance. I have a wifi-passwords.nix, with declarations for each network and such. And I import it and such. But the thing is that I have to build my system, restart agenix. make sure the secret is there. and then uncomment the part referencing the secret.

Is there a better way of doing this?
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them) hihihi, i am switching a ton of my stuff over to agenix. quick question though. How can I properly use a nix file as a secret. For instance. I have a wifi-passwords.nix, with declarations for each network and such. And I import it and such. But the thing is that I have to build my system, restart agenix. make sure the secret is there. and then uncomment the part referencing the secret.

Is there a better way of doing this?

There are some options that just require an actual string. not a file. I'm doing the best I can :(
@k900:0upti.meK900You could just use git-crypt or something for those04:53:37
@k900:0upti.meK900Since you're doing impure anyway04:53:41
@k900:0upti.meK900Or just gitignore the file04:53:45
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)
In reply to@k900:0upti.me
Or just gitignore the file
yea I did that before, but then i have to copy around that nix file which is annoying, instead of having it in my dotfiles repo
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)
In reply to@k900:0upti.me
You could just use git-crypt or something for those
haven't heard of git-crypt before. ty for the tip!
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)seems this exists too! https://github.com/vlaci/git-agecrypt13:36:42
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)cool stuff13:36:43
@titaniumtown:envs.nettitaniumtown (they/them)
In reply to@titaniumtown:envs.net
seems this exists too! https://github.com/vlaci/git-agecrypt
I'm gonna switch to this. ty for the suggestion @K900!
@tomherbers:matrix.orgTom (deprecated) joined the room.21:06:23
18 Sep 2024
@rcambrj:matrix.orgrcambrj joined the room.07:19:12
@eyjhb:eyjhb.dkeyJhb Is it possible for agenix just to ignore files, when it doesn't have permission (the right keys) to decrypt them? I get this error chown: cannot access '/run/agenix.d/2/zrepl-chronos': No such file or directory 16:44:56
19 Sep 2024
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org joined the room.01:52:26
@memegames99:matrix.org@memegames99:matrix.org set a profile picture.02:02:29
@ugp:matrix.org@ugp:matrix.org left the room.06:28:11

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