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age-encrypted secrets for NixOS https://github.com/ryantm/agenix/81 Servers

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29 May 2024
@mjolnir:nixos.orgNixOS Moderation Bot unbanned @5m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de@5m5z3q888q5prxkg:chat.lightnovel-dungeon.de.12:48:33
31 May 2024
@parasew:matrix.orgparasew | CDC joined the room.11:11:36
2 Jun 2024
@4o1x5:4o1x5.dev4o1x5 joined the room.20:01:00
@4o1x5:4o1x5.dev4o1x5Hello there, I have a service that sadly does not support password files and requires secrets to be passed on via a string, any way i could include that string with agenix? I don't really care if its readable in the nix store. 20:02:21
3 Jun 2024
@charles:computer.surgeryCharlesIf you don't care if it goes in the nix store in plain text then you don't need to use agenix05:30:47
@charles:computer.surgeryCharlesIf you do care, you can try modifying the NixOS module to generate a template config and then fill in the template with the secrets in ExecStartPre or whatever05:33:25
In reply to @charles:computer.surgery
If you don't care if it goes in the nix store in plain text then you don't need to use agenix
well yeah i guess, the main reason is that i usually make my configs public and i don't want raw passwords out there
@4o1x5:4o1x5.dev4o1x5I am using agenix for every service that has an option for it, but sometimes the software I run doesn't have options in nixpkgs and I run them in oci containers06:27:35
@charles:computer.surgeryCharlesyou could always write a nixos module for them yourself14:22:19
In reply to @4o1x5:4o1x5.dev
well yeah i guess, the main reason is that i usually make my configs public and i don't want raw passwords out there
Hmm actually, I think this would be impossible because you'd have to be able to decrypt the secret at eval time in order to get it into the store, but if you can decrypt it at eval time, then so can anyone else
@charles:computer.surgeryCharlesUnless you do impure stuff, which, ew14:54:52
In reply to @charles:computer.surgery
Hmm actually, I think this would be impossible because you'd have to be able to decrypt the secret at eval time in order to get it into the store, but if you can decrypt it at eval time, then so can anyone else
something like https://www.agwa.name/projects/git-crypt/ which keeps the secret in plaintext on the FS would work
@r522:matrix.org522 if the use case is just "i have my config in a public git repo and don't want secrets there, but it's fine for them to be local" 16:17:03
4 Jun 2024
@ronixx:matrix.orgroshan | byteio.in 🌷 joined the room.14:00:12
5 Jun 2024
@uep:matrix.orguepyes that's what I use for that case04:20:21
@dithpri:matrix.orgdithpri joined the room.23:31:49
7 Jun 2024
@conr:mozilla.orgconr joined the room.20:15:21
@conr:mozilla.orgconr Is agenix a good usecase for encrypting your config information and keys on nix config stored on a public git repo? 20:16:25
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantmDepends on your threat model20:27:16
@conr:mozilla.orgconrhigh threat, i'm really important.20:34:47
@conr:mozilla.orgconr this part of the tutorial for installing with flakes,
agenix -e secret1.age, is this on the nix machine or remote machine with your ed25519 public key?
@hexa:lossy.networkhexathis is to edit a secret locally20:54:23
@hexa:lossy.networkhexa * this is to edit a secret locally, before deployment20:54:32
@conr:mozilla.orgconrso like on my mac install agenix with brew and do it?20:57:55
@conr:mozilla.orgconrthen deploy to the nixos server?20:58:09
@conr:mozilla.orgconr hexa: ^ 20:58:40
@conr:mozilla.orgconr is brew formula just age? 21:00:01
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaagenix is a wrapping age21:00:19

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