
RFC 98 Chat

45 Members
Discussion on RFC 98 [Community Team] https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/9821 Servers

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5 Nov 2021
@domenkozar:matrix.orgDomen KoΕΎaryeah that one might have been too far :D21:21:29
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆI do think it's necessary for this to have any chance of working21:21:46
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ a recurring theme among complaints seems to be "I feel like I would have to walk on eggshells with this proposal" so making it abundantly clear that they don't need to do that here seems.... important :p 21:22:25
@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.orgYes, thank you very much for doing this21:23:14
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆof course it's still a matter of whether people trust me with this when they feel that my political views diverge too much from theirs, but I hope I've managed to make the barrier low enough for that21:25:07
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ * of course it's still a matter of whether people trust me with this when they feel that my political views diverge too much from theirs, but I hope I've managed to make the barrier/risk low enough for that21:25:16
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434cI interpreted the offer mostly as you being clearly far on political views and offering to work together to see how much of the conflict is more of a need for some safeguards/removal of excessively coded language/explicit writing down some implied things to avoid drift.21:33:57
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ 7c6f434c: "clearly far"? that is a typo I think? 21:35:58
@7c6f434c:nitro.chat7c6f434cMy failure at grammar, I guess. Obviously quite far from those having the most issues with the current version of the RFC text.21:37:41
@ryantm:matrix.orgryantm joined the room.23:03:39
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@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.org I am sorry to derail this chat for something, but I'd like to discuss that GitHub does show me this comment although I appear to have blocked its author.23:10:00
@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.orgThis is a problem. The person has done nothing that would clearly allow us to ban them from the community. Nevertheless, I do not wish to interact with them at all.23:13:52
@piegames:matrix.org@piegames:matrix.org * This is a problem. The person has done nothing that would clearly allow us to ban them from the community. Nevertheless, I do not wish to interact with them at all. (This is probably not the post I blocked them for, but it was probably of the same style. In case you are unsure about them, click a few times to find their Twitter. Anyways, that's besides the point)23:15:35
@danielle:fairydust.spacedanielleBeing deliberately inflammatory is, probably, something that would lead to a conversation and then a potential ban in most good moderation systems23:27:44
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaUh … I'm ignoring the person as well. And the comments on the community and moderation team are their only contribution to the NixOS org this year. Very odd.23:28:45
@danielle:fairydust.spacedanielleyeah I have them blocked everywhere for a reason. Mostly stemming from https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/98#issuecomment-89240398823:30:01
@danielle:fairydust.spacedaniellebut yeah - I think from what i've seen of this discussion so far, I think those kinds of cases are something we'd handle if someone who was an active member of the community started doing23:30:53
@danielle:fairydust.spacedaniellenot necessarily by banning, but by focusing on what we do here, and keeping that kind of behaviour away23:31:16
In reply to @danielle:fairydust.space
Being deliberately inflammatory is, probably, something that would lead to a conversation and then a potential ban in most good moderation systems
I agree. Although there are cases where I'd block persons that don't deserve being blocked. My example above may be il-chosen.
In reply to @danielle:fairydust.space
Being deliberately inflammatory is, probably, something that would lead to a conversation and then a potential ban in most good moderation systems
* I agree. Although there are cases where I'd block persons that don't deserve being blocked. My example above may be il-chosen. A better example might be cross-community issues, where somebody is blocked for their actions on an unrelated repository.
@danielle:fairydust.spacedanielleCross community stuff is trickier for sure. This is part of why I'm sometimes glad a lot of what I touch for work falls under the CNCF, where bans are not-quite-but-mostly-global and fortunately quite rare, bc folks tend to be explicitly inclusive23:35:19
@danielle:fairydust.spacedanielleA lot that aren't tend to leave before they need to be pushed, because folks don't really tolerate asshattery23:35:40
6 Nov 2021
@test:boba.best@test:boba.best joined the room.09:19:32
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk i'm still not convinced about how the word "fascism" is used in the RFC, especially after Irenes comments about what the word means for them 18:06:35
@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk@asymmetric:matrix.dapp.org.uk admittedly i don't know why this bothers me so much. i think it's because it feels like a trojan horse, or something that can potentially be exploited by anyone with an agenda, since the definition is so vague 18:07:23
@tomberek:matrix.orgtomberekIt seems to have been acknowledged that the "socially charged" language in the RFC has caused a lot of the conflict. Then there was confusion if people were arguing about language or policy.18:12:55
@hexa:lossy.networkhexaas a german I find it fascinating that the word "fascism" is supposed to have an unclear meaning.21:17:38
@irenes:matrix.orgIreneshexa, I would love to hear your thoughts on how to define it21:19:09
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesI honestly didn't realize it was subtle until I started trying to answer questions about it, I really thought it was quite obvious21:19:33

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