
RFC 98 Chat

35 Members
Discussion on RFC 98 [Community Team] https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/9817 Servers

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22 Nov 2021
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesI do endorse that, it's just not right for every situation23:32:42
@ryblade:matrix.org@ryblade:matrix.orgindeed. case by case.23:33:14
@abathur:matrix.org@abathur:matrix.orgin this narrow context I guess I just mean that the problem with "just block them" isn't that you shouldn't just block them; it's that the community could in theory benefit from having a log that says a dozen contributors have blocked X for Y23:34:23
@abathur:matrix.org@abathur:matrix.orgwithout it having to be punitive23:34:39
@ryblade:matrix.org@ryblade:matrix.orgi mean, after all, we're nix users at the end of the day. being self-sufficient is in our blood, i doubt there's going to be that many problems of people "running to the teacher" too often considering the caliber of our community.23:35:28
@abathur:matrix.org@abathur:matrix.organd there's a little more context to bring to bear when someone decides to talk to them about it23:35:40
In reply to @abathur:matrix.org
in this narrow context I guess I just mean that the problem with "just block them" isn't that you shouldn't just block them; it's that the community could in theory benefit from having a log that says a dozen contributors have blocked X for Y
I think we do have this, at least for Discourse. But I generally agree.
In reply to @abathur:matrix.org
in this narrow context I guess I just mean that the problem with "just block them" isn't that you shouldn't just block them; it's that the community could in theory benefit from having a log that says a dozen contributors have blocked X for Y
oh no no no no, hard disagree. that sounds almost like a pillory to me.
* @joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 🏳️‍🌈 would like to remind everybody of the concept of the "missing stair" 23:36:47
@abathur:matrix.org@abathur:matrix.orgmaybe soften that and ask a curious question instead of slam the door23:36:48
@ryblade:matrix.org@ryblade:matrix.orgbesides, i tend to agree with a lot of people that others find offensive, people like me would just invert that list to find friends :D23:36:52
@ryblade:matrix.org@ryblade:matrix.orgfind the people with the most dislikes and say what's up23:37:04
@ryblade:matrix.org@ryblade:matrix.org my block lists are PRIVATE, i absolutely refuse to participate in any system that even so much as anonymously add those in my blocklist to a public database. there's far too much room for expanding the scope of such a thing for bigger and bigger privacy abuses. 23:38:49
@ryblade:matrix.org@ryblade:matrix.org * my block lists are PRIVATE, i absolutely refuse to participate in any system that even so much as anonymously adds those in my blocklist to a public database. there's far too much room for expanding the scope of such a thing for bigger and bigger privacy abuses. 23:39:08
@abathur:matrix.org@abathur:matrix.org(note, I didn't say that it should be public; you've projected that)23:39:57
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesI agree with ryblade here23:40:10
@abathur:matrix.org@abathur:matrix.organyways; dinner23:40:11
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesmechanisms like that are cute for what they accomplish but the cost of tying it to private blocks is too great23:40:26
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesin that it makes private blocks into something.... else23:40:32
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesI've seen people legitimately feel brigaded by too many emoji reacts23:40:54
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesthis would be way worse in that you can't take the action to protect yourself without it sending a public social signal23:41:09
@abathur:matrix.org@abathur:matrix.orgI'll be on mobile maybe23:41:12
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesinteresting thought about the log being private I guess23:41:48
@irenes:matrix.orgIreneslike visible only to moderators maybe?23:41:53
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenes I don't think that would be right for this proposal, because we're trying to minimize the extent to which the community team's formal power places them above the rest of the community 23:42:17
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenes like there's a need for there to be some or this wouldn't work because bad actors would refuse to engage with it 23:42:31
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesbut we want it to be just the essential elements23:42:39
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesbut it could well be the right idea for a different community, with different goals23:42:53
In reply to @abathur:matrix.org
(note, I didn't say that it should be public; you've projected that)
excuse me, please cool it with the accusations, okay? "having a log that says a dozen contributors have blocked X for Y" is what you said, you were never clear about who would see this log. since we are discussing this in the context of an open source project, it was only natural that i assumed some transparency would be involved. furthermore, i still refuse to upload any data to even a private team of moderators whenever i block a person. that. is. PRIVATE.

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