
RFC 98 Chat

45 Members
Discussion on RFC 98 [Community Team] https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/pull/9821 Servers

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22 Nov 2021
@joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 🏳️‍🌈
In reply to @hexa:lossy.network
man, I wish i could bookmark locations in the text I want to read after I messed up my readmarker
(keep a Notes room with just yourself in it, where you paste permalinks to messages, the ones behind the timestamps)
@irenes:matrix.orgIreneswe're fortunate in Nix to be a loose affiliation of people who are all here for our own reasons23:31:52
@irenes:matrix.orgIreneswith no real requirement for anyone to stay here23:31:57
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesand to the extent there's a legal structure involved, it's a non-profit23:32:06
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesso we don't have that pressure to keep things profitable23:32:14
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesor whatever23:32:16
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenes and we can focus on doing what's right, instead 23:32:25
In reply to @piegames:matrix.org
Moreover, it isn't always worth it. Sometimes you just agree to disagree, decide that it's best to keep at mutual distance, and then move on. I don't need to be friends with everybody on the internet.
very mature take. if anything, i think encouraging others to be like this would help foster a stronger community.
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesI do endorse that, it's just not right for every situation23:32:42
@ryblade:matrix.orgrybladeindeed. case by case.23:33:14
@abathur:matrix.orgabathurin this narrow context I guess I just mean that the problem with "just block them" isn't that you shouldn't just block them; it's that the community could in theory benefit from having a log that says a dozen contributors have blocked X for Y23:34:23
@abathur:matrix.orgabathurwithout it having to be punitive23:34:39
@ryblade:matrix.orgrybladei mean, after all, we're nix users at the end of the day. being self-sufficient is in our blood, i doubt there's going to be that many problems of people "running to the teacher" too often considering the caliber of our community.23:35:28
@abathur:matrix.orgabathurand there's a little more context to bring to bear when someone decides to talk to them about it23:35:40
In reply to @abathur:matrix.org
in this narrow context I guess I just mean that the problem with "just block them" isn't that you shouldn't just block them; it's that the community could in theory benefit from having a log that says a dozen contributors have blocked X for Y
I think we do have this, at least for Discourse. But I generally agree.
In reply to @abathur:matrix.org
in this narrow context I guess I just mean that the problem with "just block them" isn't that you shouldn't just block them; it's that the community could in theory benefit from having a log that says a dozen contributors have blocked X for Y
oh no no no no, hard disagree. that sounds almost like a pillory to me.
* @joepie91:pixie.townjoepie91 🏳️‍🌈 would like to remind everybody of the concept of the "missing stair" 23:36:47
@abathur:matrix.orgabathurmaybe soften that and ask a curious question instead of slam the door23:36:48
@ryblade:matrix.orgrybladebesides, i tend to agree with a lot of people that others find offensive, people like me would just invert that list to find friends :D23:36:52
@ryblade:matrix.orgrybladefind the people with the most dislikes and say what's up23:37:04
@ryblade:matrix.orgryblade my block lists are PRIVATE, i absolutely refuse to participate in any system that even so much as anonymously add those in my blocklist to a public database. there's far too much room for expanding the scope of such a thing for bigger and bigger privacy abuses. 23:38:49
@ryblade:matrix.orgryblade * my block lists are PRIVATE, i absolutely refuse to participate in any system that even so much as anonymously adds those in my blocklist to a public database. there's far too much room for expanding the scope of such a thing for bigger and bigger privacy abuses. 23:39:08
@abathur:matrix.orgabathur(note, I didn't say that it should be public; you've projected that)23:39:57
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesI agree with ryblade here23:40:10
@abathur:matrix.orgabathuranyways; dinner23:40:11
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesmechanisms like that are cute for what they accomplish but the cost of tying it to private blocks is too great23:40:26
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesin that it makes private blocks into something.... else23:40:32
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesI've seen people legitimately feel brigaded by too many emoji reacts23:40:54
@irenes:matrix.orgIrenesthis would be way worse in that you can't take the action to protect yourself without it sending a public social signal23:41:09
@abathur:matrix.orgabathurI'll be on mobile maybe23:41:12

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