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20 Jan 2025
@rrix:aelf.landrrixi'm trying to remember if i know anyone on the savannah team, i feel like i do but i'm drawing a blank03:11:43
@rrix:aelf.landrrixsounds like they're getting hammered by a big scraper botnet? it's not the first03:15:42
@rrix:aelf.landrrixin fact, i was just lamenting about this on fediverse a few days ago myself, the bots that crawl every link on forges03:16:08
@rrix:aelf.landrrixmaybe tomorrow i'll join savannah-hackers-public and ask if there's a way we can get those feeds or if we should just wait or (??) 03:19:44
@rrix:aelf.landrrixthe emacs update script is the one that's failing -- does the elpa one also rely on savannah rss?03:20:59
@rrix:aelf.landrrixi'm on my third indirection to a new git repo 03:29:04
@rrix:aelf.landrrixelpa2nix is haskell??03:29:53
@rrix:aelf.landrrixelpa2nix does not rely on savannah03:30:10
@rrix:aelf.landrrixso we just need to work with just this one function https://github.com/nix-community/emacs-overlay/blob/master/repos/emacs/update#L8-L2203:31:09
@rrix:aelf.landrrixwe could switch it to use github.com/emacs-mirror/emacs ? i don't know who runs emacs-mirror though and implicitly trust it less than savannah03:32:07
@rrix:aelf.landrrixit wouldn't even mean that emacs itself was pulled from the mirror, though, just that the branch revision and digest that's emitted to the nix package attrset, which will match if the mirror is behaving 03:33:36
@rrix:aelf.landrrix curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/emacs-mirror/emacs/branches/master | jq .commit.sha 03:35:03
@rrix:aelf.landrrixno, it's not that simple because nix-prefetch-url is used03:43:47
@rrix:aelf.landrrixand cgit wont spit out the tarballs in its current state ...03:44:02
@rrix:aelf.landrrix adisbladis: do you think we should disable the emacs repo update for a few days and see what is going on w/ savannah cgit? 03:46:17
@rrix:aelf.landrrixit's blocking the package repo updates03:46:25
In reply to @rrix:aelf.land
adisbladis: do you think we should disable the emacs repo update for a few days and see what is going on w/ savannah cgit?
Sounds good to me. Could you make a PR?
@rrix:aelf.landrrixyeah, would you prefer just disabling the savannah branch update or the emacs repo update in ci.yaml03:48:33
In reply to @rrix:aelf.land
yeah, would you prefer just disabling the savannah branch update or the emacs repo update in ci.yaml
Either is fine
@rrix:aelf.landrrixright on i'll do the one that disables the fewest things, it's a one liner to revert in a week either way ;) the optimal FOSS contribution incoming03:50:10
@rrix:aelf.landrrixi'll open a GH issue to track it03:50:21
@rrix:aelf.landrrix adisbladis: thanks for the quick merge; are you able to run the ci.yml from the web ui or is it only on a timer? 04:17:36
@rrix:aelf.landrrixty ty04:18:27
@adis:blad.isadisbladisty yourself :)04:18:40
@rrix:aelf.landrrixtfw software freedoms04:18:57

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