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16 Dec 2024
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit *

since an update, pinentryFlavor = "gtk2"; is no more. So I do as suggested pinentryPackage = pkgs.pinentry-gtk2;

  programs = {
    gnupg = {
      agent = {
        enable = true;
        enableSSHSupport = true;
        # TODO: https://discourse.nixos.org/t/cant-get-gnupg-to-work-no-pinentry/15373/33
        # programs.gnupg.agent.pinentryFlavor' no longer,
        # programs.gnupg.agent.pinentryPackage instead
        # pinentryFlavor = "gtk2";
        pinentryPackage = pkgs.pinentry-gtk2;
      dirmngr.enable = true;

but doesn't work on Emacs magit (as root) anyway. Any insights please?

@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.netwdym by "magit as root"? are you running Emacs and git as root?11:05:03
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit Acid Bong: I I'm running magit on a root owned directory (/etc/nixos) with tramp. See gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on homedir '/root/.gnupg' 11:06:50
@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.netwhy won't you host your config in your homedir?11:07:20
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit Acid Bong: which one? root or my normal user? my normal user config is already set 11:08:10
@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.net /etc/nixos is not a mandatory directory, you can host your system config wherever you need 11:08:51
@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.net * /etc/nixos is not a mandatory directory, you can host your system config wherever you want 11:11:11
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit Acid Bong: you mean I can do that without linking to /etc/nixos? 11:11:36
@starlit:crossbach.destarlitBut wouldn't that be kinda unsafe anyway? To have a non-privileged user be able to change my system config without root permission?11:12:36

root permission only matters when you're applying your config with nixos-rebuild switch|test|boot

especially if you're the only owner of the computer, it doesn't matter who owns the config

Download Screenshot_20241215_215427.png
@rczb:envs.netrczbIs this normal?11:28:46
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit Acid Bong: well, someone could hack into my unprivileged user change that and i not notice it and then I sudo nixos-rebuild... 11:34:36
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit * Acid Bong: well, someone could hack into my unprivileged user change that and i do not notice it and then I sudo nixos-rebuild... 11:34:48
@starlit:crossbach.destarlitThe thing is that before the pinentry was working fine and now it isn't11:35:15
In reply to @rczb:envs.net
sent an image.
what is this supposed to be?
In reply to @starlit:crossbach.de
Acid Bong: well, someone could hack into my unprivileged user change that and i do not notice it and then I sudo nixos-rebuild...
you track your config with git, you will see if there are extra changes
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit Acid Bong: you have a point, i'll try doing that and see how it goes 11:42:45
In reply to @starlit:crossbach.de
The thing is that before the pinentry was working fine and now it isn't
instead own everything youself and operate on everything without sudo (except nixos-rebuild), and you won't need those shenanigans
In reply to @acidbong:envs.net
what is this supposed to be?
No inkblots
@acidbong:envs.net@acidbong:envs.netwhat inkblots? what are these lines tho?12:00:57
In reply to @rczb:envs.net
sent an image.
What platform is this? I’ve seen similar display corruption on macOS on occasion
In reply to @antifuchs:asf.computer
What platform is this? I’ve seen similar display corruption on macOS on occasion
NixOS, The default (lucid) build. It was said that the GTK build has a long-standing severe bug, so I stick to this version.
In reply to @acidbong:envs.net
what inkblots? what are these lines tho?
Ink blots are these very lines. Residues of highlights.
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit Acid Bong: you're basically telling me to put everything I can on home-manager and just what I can't on nixos 14:49:40
@starlit:crossbach.destarlit * Acid Bong: you're basically telling me to put everything I can on home-manager and just what I can't on nixos? 14:50:18
In reply to @starlit:crossbach.de
Acid Bong: you have a point, i'll try doing that and see how it goes
also i did this and it worked, thanks
In reply to @rczb:envs.net
Is this normal?
i dont have that

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